Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 At any rate , perhaps I may be allowed to communicate with Your Majesty on this point , or ask my Private Secretary to discuss it with Sir Michael Adeane .
2 Yet I found that the breadth of my Scottish education stood me in good stead in the work of assessing and editing material from the whole agenda of a serious newspaper .
3 I mean we 've got , four , four , four cars in our house , the gran lives in the granny annexe inside , god knows how the fucking hell she got a parking space , somehow she did , mum 's got her 's in there , my old mans parked his opposite , we 've got a big double drive as well , my old man parks his on the right and I park mine on the fucking left , its like a parking lot out there in the mornings , and if when he says
4 My hon. Friend asked me about the medical ethics of the issue .
5 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to the imaginative experiment that the Lord Mayor of London is supporting this year , in which young people go into schools to help pupils with learning difficulties and those who are quicker than the rest of the class ?
6 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to the sterling work done by the Action Committee for a Hospital in Ely and Cambridge health authority , which persevered in trying to get the hospital for the NHS ?
7 Will my hon. Friend join me in paying tribute to Mr. Martyn Rands , chairman of Basildon commuters ' club — and to his hard-working committee — who met my hon. Friend this morning and presented him with a petition , signed by 5,000 people in my constituency , complaining about the disgraceful service that they receive on the Fenchurch Street line ?
8 My hon. Friend had it in a nutshell .
9 I had the opportunity to study the document because my hon. Friend drew it to my attention as we came into the Chamber .
10 Will my hon. Friend bear it in mind that the sooner a third lane is constructed to alleviate Chelmsford traffic , the happier will be my constituents ?
11 My hon. Friend has it in one —
12 I was selling houses and apartments on a commission basis , and I think that my English accent stood me in good stead .
13 Indeed , my future mother-in-law defended me against criticism in this regard , with the quelling reply : ‘ She has a trained mind , and nothing to unlearn ! ’
14 My magical ride took me from lake to lake , from Lough Corrib to Lough Mask and then to a third lake that seemed smaller than the last two inland seas set among high mountains .
15 My natural speed turned me into a wing three-quarter at rugby for the colts , though I can always recall matches in the centre and at fly-half .
16 As weird Norman Bates was climbing the stairs in that awful , old dark house , the tension was so frightening that I almost screamed aloud , when my then boyfriend grabbed me by the arm and said : ‘ Let's watch horror films together for the rest of our lives ! ’
17 First of all my physical world constrains me in so far as every other car will be travelling on the left-hand side and my progress might be somewhat impeded if I chose otherwise ; secondly , it is a rule that is being followed by every driver .
18 My medical attendant decided it to be altogether nervous , and that it originates either in severe application , or excessive anxiety .
19 But my superior self made nothing of that .
20 If my final sentence reassured him in any way he gave no sign , watching dead-faced as I injected 10 cc of Prontosil .
21 My new project led me into unexplored realms of psychology which I might otherwise have ignored .
22 My young son put them into a barrelling machine to clean them , so they may have changed colour as a result .
23 I kept my birthday a secret , except that some students wanted me to sign some books , and as I signed them I put the date and I happened to say that ‘ I am signing this on my 44th birthday ’ , and after that the news spread mysteriously and my whole class greeted me with ‘ Happy Birthday to you ’ in English , and today , when I saw the other class , they sang ‘ Happy Birthday to you ’ in Portuguese .
24 My local office has plenty of leaflets telling me about wonderful things like savings schemes and child benefit , but rarely stocks the mysterious forms that are supposed to accompany them .
25 Four key members of my original team joined me from Hawker Siddeley and we started work on the first batch of 25 robots .
26 Clara could feel her friendly spirit choking her at times ; she had affection in her , and nowhere to spend it .
27 He turned over the facts again and again in his mind until their monotonous repetition affected him like a dull , nagging pain .
28 Perhaps when pregnant with me , my mother was hit on the head by a ‘ No Vehicular Access ’ sign , and her understandable anxiety transmitted itself to my foetal subconscious .
29 She was not so lucky with Benton , who sprang up and crashed into her , his arms locking around her waist , their combined momentum slamming them against the door .
30 In particular she disliked men , because her political analysis revealed them to be oppressors , and responsible as a sex for many of the worst aspects of our civilization ( war , the arms race , the stock exchange , rape , science , motor cars , additives to food , defoliants , hospital management of childbirth , competitions , multinational companies , cosmetics , pornography and vivisection ) .
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