Example sentences of "[pron] [adj] [noun] [coord] if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And so , through playing his stuff so many times , hearing him play it on record and on bootlegs and actually hearing him sing live — once — it 's got to the point where it 's hard to say whether this is my natural voice or if it 's something I learned .
2 Hardy was my poetical father and if I seldom read him now , it is , perhaps because our relationship is so assured as no longer to need being made conscious .
3 The University will assume that it is free to approach referees at any stage unless the candidate 's application stipulates otherwise ( i.e. candidates who wish a referee or referees to be approached only with their specific permission and/or if they are being called for interview on the final short list or are in receipt of a conditional offer , are asked to state such requirements explicitly alongside the details of the relevant referee(s) ) .
4 The building owner must establish whether the structure will provide an acceptable period of fire resistance in its unmodified state or if it can be simply modified to meet mandatory requirements .
5 Presumably , Mr. Tylee considered these had not outlived their useful life and if he kept them long enough , a buyer might come along .
6 Look at the toes of its front feet and if you discover fur on its nails you will know for sure there is another rabbit still to be captured .
7 Keep them in their original containers and if you need to transfer them make sure they go into a new , labelled bottle or clean paper envelope .
8 Stalin was usually cautious and calculating in his foreign policy and if he bided his time , Korea would almost certainly fall into the Soviet orbit .
9 The GP is the one who is very likely to know his patient well and if he finds him with chest pain of at least 15 or 30 minutes duration in the classic distribution , with no previous complaints , and obviously not a malingerer , that individual should have thrombolysis as rapidly as possible .
10 If you 're doing both then that 's your total income and if you did that in three weeks I would think you 'd be very happy with that .
11 This obviously adds on to the cost of your basic computer but if you are a small business it is n't an enormous amount .
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