Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] what he [verb] done " in BNC.

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1 So employers , in my experience , even to the day I left , always owe the workman something for what he 's done
2 My arms ached to go round him , but I kept them rigidly at my sides for a long time , punishing him for what he 'd done to me earlier .
3 Now that he had told her everything , he expected her to condemn him for what he had done , but she said nothing .
4 In each lull between contractions memories of James tormented her , and with each new onslaught of pain she mentally tried to inflict the agony on him , cursing him for what he had done to her .
5 Erm , and so Freud at the beginning says that he er , he , he had a personal dislike of er Wilson , and resented him for what he had done and held him responsible for the subsequent disasters .
6 Halfway through the journal he had jumped to his feet — he was ready to rush out of the room , to find Havvie Blaine , to kill him for what he had done to her , and for lying about it afterwards .
7 Listen well when he tells us what happened out there to him and respect him for what he has done , and honour him , for at least he has given each of us hope and proof that escape is possible . ’
8 The right hon. Gentleman has done a great deal during his period in the House for disabled people and everyone in the House admires him for what he has done , but he must know that there have been dramatic improvements in recent years in the scope , range and value of benefits and in the number of disabled people who receive them .
9 I respect him for what he has done in Santa Barbara .
10 Drowning the typewriter reminded him of what he had done to the remains of Ivor Newley .
11 A tiny part of her wanted to confront him with what he 'd done ; yet she knew she could n't do it , could n't bear looking into his sea-blue eyes , or at the lips which had kissed her so tenderly the night before , only to laugh with Marianne today as he shared with her the secrets Shannon had confided so trustingly — so blindly !
12 I expect he is going to die in prison and he deserves it for what he has done . ’
13 It is only through the work of Christ , through the impact on us of what he has done , that we can recognise him as divine and describe his person in divine terms .
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