Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [det] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't know why I should burden you with this and make an exhibition of myself in front of eveN– one . ’
2 Oh it was cutting , definitely cutting it down yes , and I er remember in the first place before erm all this automation was brought in , they used to do the casting er a man and his son used to do all the casting and believe me it was hard work , er the real old way you know er with the fires and that and everything like that and heating the things up in a bellows .
3 ‘ It was past time for me to win a big one like this and play an aggressive final round . ’
4 The purpose of learning , according to cognition theories , is to construct a number of organised detailed frames of reference held in a sufficiently flexible way to enable us to change from one to another when considering an event or problem so that the best judgment is made and a rational course of action is taken .
5 Suddenly he reached across and snatched the photograph out of the Woman 's hand , ripping it in half and dropping the pieces on the floor .
6 Fold it in half and use the folded edge as the centre of the band .
7 British Columbia 's powerful timber industry — led by MacMillan Bloedel , the company that will be doing much of the cutting in Clayoquot — feigned relief at being given anything at all while bemoaning the loss of jobs that the mild restrictions would cause .
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