Example sentences of "[pron] [prep] [noun sg] [noun pl] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When Harold Wilson succeeded Hugh Gaitskell as party leader in 1963 , he swore he would not make Gaitskell 's mistake of surrounding himself with elite coteries of policy advisers .
2 Its membership , appointed for renewable four-year terms , has grown over the years and has proved , as it was intended to be , a useful sounding board , especially as it quickly subdivided itself into specialist groups of experts on specific topics — in which , in fact , most of the work of the Committee was to be done .
3 And I will read it as farm tenants of Leicestershire county council we wish to retain the freedom to make the decision ourselves as to whether fox hunting with hounds takes place on our land .
4 I 've brung it into school loads of times .
5 Now people I 've spoken to who used it then never said anything about machine elves of hyperspace .
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