Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] had not be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had guessed that the reason was something to do with Jennifer for she had known that her sister had n't been well for some while and had been undergoing tests since experiencing stabbing pain in her right eye and numbness in her legs .
2 I could n't help smiling at that ; she still had n't quite forgiven me for the fact that her remedy had n't been effective .
3 It is a tax-free lump sum of £1,000 , paid as soon as a woman is widowed provided that : ( 1 ) her husband had paid sufficient NI contributions ; ( 2 ) she is under 60 ; or ( 3 ) if she is over 60 , her husband had not been entitled to retirement pension .
4 Her behaviour had not been normal nor good , but it was not Finn she had railed at on the public highway .
5 No wonder her father had not been well these last few weeks , he was worried about money .
6 Marie Claire in her turn had n't been interested in me .
7 Poles had fought both for and against Germany , and , partly because their state had not been involved in the war , Poles were ready — unlike the other participants in the war — to fight again , this time for something in which they had a stake .
8 She hoped Vincent would understand , would draw consolation from the knowledge that her life had not been empty , because her love would live on , wanning with its humanity a cold and , possibly , hostile universe .
9 The impression lingered that her mother had not come to find her , and that her mother had not been pleased to have her returned , for Rachaela was instantly slapped .
10 His Mum had n't been able to persuade him to stay , though she was worried about his cough .
11 ( b ) As the deceased had been suffering from clinical depression which impaired his judgment , his act had not been voluntary and the defence of volenti failed .
12 Especially of interest was the fact that one of the two men clearly experiencing difficulty with section ( c ) on the examination paper , Howard Brown ( Morse wondered why his wife had n't been willing to cover for him ) , had filled in section ( e ) with the correct date of arrival , 27 October ; or , to be more precise about the matter , ‘ 2 October ’ .
13 There were no signs of violence , nothing to suggest that his death had not been peaceful .
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