Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] would be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I was not in the least keen , but when it became clear to me that my intervention would be frowned upon only slightly by my television clients , added to the fact that I had established good relations with George Elvin , the ACTT 's general secretary , it seemed to me that there might be some sense in intervening .
2 I like to think my husband would be devastated by my untimely demise , but I know that he would not be left short of cash to buy black ties and Kleenex .
3 I 'd resolved that the next woman I let into my life would be chosen with my mind and my heart — not my eyes and my libido ! ’
4 ‘ I was disappointed when a move to the club fell through earlier in the season because I believe my style would be suited to the English game .
5 my dream-find would be ground to caustic dust
6 The terms for both the constituent assembly and the interim cabinet would be a maximum of 12 months , after which election would be held under a new constitution .
7 As a result of the way in which the husband carried out this function the wife executed the documents believing that her liability would be limited to £60,000 .
8 The SAC told the RSNO by telephone on Monday that its grant would be held at £1.82 million in 1993-94 , the same as in this financial year .
9 They knew , from day one , the possibility of causing offence and that their case would be misconstrued in the media .
10 Even if it did , Charlotte sensed her response would be determined by a fine judgement of how her own interests might best be protected .
11 of those employed in its industry would be sacked in the first year .
12 Brooke stated that a ‘ substantial part ’ of its turnover would be devoted to ‘ good causes ’ , but the Bill does not set out what proportion of the proceeds will be allocated respectively to prizes , to administration and to the said good causes .
13 All except Bir Zeit ( on the West Bank ) had now opened or were preparing to open , but Bir Zeit had been informed at the end of August that its closure would be extended by three months for failing to ensure that its campus would not be used as a centre for anti-Israeli activity .
14 When that day came , perhaps the tragic story of a love-sick young girl trying to find solace in the arms of her lover would be laid to rest forever .
15 Her future would be devoted to her husband and children and no more would she be tempted into any indiscretions , she vowed .
16 To ensure she remained this way , her mouth would be packed with earth , thus assuaging her hunger in the Afterworld .
17 Soon her mouth would be opened by the lector-priest and her purification ministered by the Sem-priest .
18 The speaker of [ 14 ] was a newsreader on Radio 4 : In a Gricean framework ( Grice 1981 ) , a speaker who produces an utterance knowing in advance that the hearer will not be able to establish its relevance would be said to be deliberately flouting the maxim of relation in order to achieve a special effect .
19 If they fail to find work and the Department of Employment considers it to be available , then their benefit would be cut in exactly the same way that men 's benefit is presently reduced or taken away altogether ( DHSS , 1978a , p. 92 ) .
20 Its influence would be experienced throughout the whole monastic community , and beyond the cloister in the world .
21 On March 12 , 1990 , Stoltenberg called for an end to the stationing of battlefield nuclear weapons on West German territory on the grounds that their relevance would be lost with German unification .
22 Moreover , we look to the way in which its work would be laced into the work of local education authorities and the Schools Council , and the close collaboration with the Office of Fair Trading and the Department of Trade which it would no doubt enjoy , to make sure that consumer needs came first
23 Daresbury was fine , he agreed , but no one pretended that its work would be converted into saleable products .
24 One of the big troubles was the way that they obstructed the pavements as most of their drinking would be done in the street , sat with backs against the pub wall .
25 We 'd been told which room would be used for the meeting so we did n't have to search the whole building .
26 The sharp medical edge of her lecture would be blunted towards the end by placing the Black Death in its broader context .
27 To many it seemed clear that if liberal capitalism ( of the sort advocated by Disraeli ) were not to be swept away by revolution , the largely illiterate workforce must be encouraged to believe that their welfare would be protected by the new rulers — the powerful middle class .
28 John Pirt has developed a " biocombustion " process by which sewage would be pumped through four bioreactors , in effect tubs of bacteria which would provide their own heat and consume the sewage in a twenty-hour period .
29 Rugby matches would only be a very small part of them , and none of these gaps in her knowledge would be helped by continuing to live in Knockglen all her life .
30 The bonus to the restaurant was that its name would be emblazoned on the side of the bins in smart gold letters .
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