Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] in [noun] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Association was founded by the deaf themselves in 1890 , on the appearance of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Deaf , Blind , etc. , which published suggestions altogether unsuited to the social , moral , intellectual , and spiritual welfare of the deaf , and it is the only association of its kind in existence in the United Kingdom .
2 Treatment Centres take the sufferers through the first five steps of the recovery programme in as many weeks in order to lessen their dread in anticipation in the future and not because they believe that it is really possible to recover at that speed .
3 The Scots , having arrived in Nadi early yesterday , proceeded to their base in Suva in the morning .
4 Equally important is its decrease in concentration in the evening , which relaxes the body so that sleep is more easy to achieve .
5 Yet , despite its prominence in headhunting in the USA and its global dominance as the highest-earning executive search firm in the world , Korn/Ferry is still a long way from being number one in fee income in Britain .
6 Drivers who pass their test in Banbury in the next few months are being offered the chance to learn how to drive on the motorway .
7 Now one of the Russian physiotherapists has come to their home in Lydbrook in the Forest of Dean to work intensively with Stephen .
8 The most famous , and one of the earliest , associations made its appearance in Laon in the early years of the century , as a consequence of the expanding wine trade in the area .
9 Marsden explained that hospital social workers had negotiated their role in discharge in the 1970s , when the Freeman Hospital had been built — ‘ discharges do n't happen without social services input ’ — and had then spread the same working practices to Newcastle 's other two acute hospitals .
10 In July the Lebanese government continued with its Syrian-sponsored plan to extend its authority throughout the whole of Lebanon , deploying its army in force in the Palestinian-controlled areas of the south despite having failed to reach an agreement with the Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO ) .
11 The method of milling grain between two stones probably reached its peak in Britain in the watermills and windmills of the early nineteenth century .
12 Although most of the major firms now at the top of the executive search market were present in London before 1980 , their position , structure and influence was relatively small compared with their growth in importance in the 1980s .
13 In Italy , soon after the collapse of the Gothic regime under Byzantine attack , the Lombards , a nation largely pagan at the time of its arrival in Italy in the 560s , settled in the northern and much of the central part of the peninsula .
14 Betty thanked her for the bucket and smiled at her , and Lydia , who , if Betty went on like this , might turn out to be quite human , decided that she would take her her breakfast in bed in the morning : thin crispy toast with a scraping of butter and golden clear jasmine tea , and an egg-cupful of harebells to remind her of the sky .
15 These are three simple and fairly obvious examples of protective devices with a topic that did not of itself require careful handling , but when at the end of the lesson they chose to extend their interest in hospitals in the future to ‘ finding a cure for cancer ’ quite suddenly the subject-matter has become more of a delicate one , with some taboos attached for both the pupils and the adults watching the lesson .
16 Sinn Fein said 49 such photographs had been sent to its office in Monaghan in the Irish Republic .
17 Sinn Fein said a further 49 photographs had been sent to its office in Monaghan in the Irish Republic .
18 Merton itself , as a result of Silverman 's experience in selection , advertising and research , was first conceived as a high-level recruitment consultancy which then evolved into a management consultancy and executive search practice ; he based his approach — ahead of its time in Britain in the mid-1970s — on the concept of building up a profile of ‘ the ideal candidate ’ by using the most sophisticated industrial market research techniques , approaching a recruitment programme in the same way as he had devised and implemented a marketing plan .
19 Henry Cotton always maintained that the turning point in his own career was his sojourn in America in the company of Tommy Armour .
20 Asked why he had changed tack in his purchasing , Mr Mason , his dealer , said : ‘ Mr Lloyd Webber has made his money in Britain in the last decade , and he wants to put some back to save the finest of Canaletto 's London views . ’
21 Thereafter , he promptly ran off with Natalie Wood , his co-star in Splendor in the Grass .
22 ( It is interesting to compare Fawcett 's position to that of Ramsay MacDonald , whose adherence to patriarchal views within the family surpassed his faith in collectivism in the matter of family allowances ; he declared that under socialism the mother and children 's right to maintenance would be honoured by the male breadwinner , not the state . )
23 According to Bede , Wulfhere was able to give the Isle of Wight and the territory of the Meonware in the Meon valley of Hampshire opposite the Isle of Wight to Aethelwealh , king of the southern Saxons on the occasion of his baptism in Mercia in the presence of the Mercian king , possibly on the occasion of Aethelwealh 's marriage to Eafe , a Hwiccian Christian princess ( HE IV , 13 ) .
24 Kornei Chukovsky , in his account of his boyhood in Odessa in the 1890s , described how he and his friend Timosha used to climb into deep rubbish boxes :
25 Martyn died 3 July 1680 , aged sixty-two , at the home of his brother-in-law in Brockley in the parish of Deptford .
26 In 1936 he began his apprenticeship in accountancy in the City , but the outbreak of war interrupted his career .
27 If there is no certain indication that Offa was able to establish his authority in Kent in the aftermath of Otford , however , there is no substantial indication either that he continued to be a political presence in Kent after 765 .
28 Mr. Flitch , not a bad man , had worked most of his life in India in the tea business .
29 Vincent barely managed to keep his temper in check in the blast of this ‘ raw north wind ’ that had come howling in through the front door .
30 A few years ago manuscript evidence was discovered that Torriano 's copy of de' Dondi 's clock was still at his house in Toledo in the seventeenth century , and it is therefore unlikely that , as formerly thought , it perished when the convent of San Yuste with its art treasures was set on fire by the French in 1809 .
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