Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] that he [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 That effort marked him as a classic possible and his work on the gallops leaves no doubt in my mind that he has trained on and can dispose of Azhar on his way to better things .
2 But when her father , the widely respected leader of the Welsh radicals in Parliament , died suddenly in 1892 she found to her horror that he had left a crippling burden of debt and that his principal business enterprise , the Dillwyn spelter works at Llansamlet , Swansea , was on the verge of bankruptcy .
3 She knew in her heart that he had told the truth , and it had been herself at fault for so lacking trust in his integrity .
4 In that case the plaintiff , Dr. Roy , had begun an action in the Queen 's Bench Division against his family practitioner committee seeking , amongst other things , payment of part of his basic practice allowance which had been withheld by the committee , following their decision that he had failed to devote a substantial amount of his time to general practice as required by the relevant regulations .
5 Lisa was actually naïve enough , just for a moment , to allow the possibility to creep into her mind that he had kept silent in order to protect her .
6 He had been so blinded by his need for her light that he had failed to see how deeply he stood in her shadow , and his work had been frustrated thereby .
7 It was only in her imagination that he had puzzled his way through kitchen labyrinths to bring a tray to her bedside .
8 John Hayward was already assiduously collecting Eliot 's letters and drafts for inclusion in what he called the " Archives " and Virginia Woolf noted in her diary that he had acquired a certain kind of writer 's egotism and made remarks like , " Coleridge and I … "
9 Two were killed immediately but the Mexican Commander had been so impressed by their bravery that he had spared the lives of the other three .
10 And it had not escaped her notice that he had allowed the words , ‘ since you wo n't tell me ’ to pass unchallenged .
11 She turned to him with the first real interest in her face that he 'd seen .
12 He could see in her face that he 'd surprised her , but that made no damned difference to Gary at all .
13 Shedlock simply supplied both songs from other sources , explaining in his preface that he had inserted them ‘ in their proper places ’ .
14 He hit one of the policemen on the jaw , and claimed in his defence that he had believed , on reasonable grounds , that his son was not guilty of the offence of which he was suspected , and had therefore been wrongfully arrested .
15 Mr Lamont also used the news as an opportunity to rule out once again any more cuts in interest rates in the immediate future , saying the signs of spontaneous recovery confirm his judgement that he has done enough to bring the recession to an end .
16 Rex took another step backwards and found to his unhappiness that he had backed himself neatly into a well-barred shop doorway .
17 At their head was Dieter Erdle ; Melissa guessed from the gleam of amusement in his eye that he had overheard the rather heated exchange .
18 At one point , Walter tries to convince his wife that he has had a story accepted by BBC Radio .
19 As Chancellor of the Exchequer , in the Seventies , had n't Mr Healey often written in his diary that he 'd gone to bed dog-tired ?
20 The solicitor confirmed in his affidavit that he had photocopied the documents which he sent to counsel for the sole purpose of obtaining legal advice from him .
21 Finally Mozart was able to report to his father that he had given a concert , and that his takings , before expenses , were 90 gulden .
22 On Lan 's other side Tam shot an accusing look at Kim from time to time as if to make unmistakably clear to his father that he had done everything possible to dissuade Kim from his folly .
23 He told me I should be grateful as this was the first Sunday lunch-time down his local that he 'd missed in five years .
24 She 'd been set up and she had thought Fernando was so desperate to have her back in his life that he had manipulated the whole thing .
25 It was the first time in his life that he had slept out of doors ; as a boy , he and Jean-Paul had often pleaded to do this , and it had always been forbidden .
26 It was in fact the first time in his life that he had looked at any woman .
27 She knew from his voice that he had seen the news too , and she had never been so glad to hear a friendly voice .
28 ‘ Well , since everyone 's giving speeches , I may as well take a turn , ’ he said , and it was at once apparent from his voice that he had had a good deal to drink .
29 Tim Clayson , prosecuting , said the four had driven to Redcar market where Mr Archer had his stall that he had bought from Miller 's estranged husband .
30 In a trench to his rear that he had ordered to be abandoned the previous night , eight shells burst almost simultaneously .
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