Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] was [vb pp] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My son-in-law was offered the living of St Ermin 's when it fell vacant recently , ’ she said , ‘ but he felt there would be more scope here . ’
2 ‘ In the sixteenth century my namesake was made a doge .
3 And to my annoyance was added the realization that perhaps he had not been such a bad interrogator after all .
4 My stepfather died at the end of November 1991 and under his will my mother was left the life interest in the income arising from the sum of £60,000 with the remainder to my stepbrother .
5 My mother was left an orphan as a small girl , and adopted by an uncle who worked in the library of Eton College .
6 But as soon as their friendship was struck the memory faded and the bad time seemed no worse than some null interlude between two boon companions .
7 Their act was called A Fantasy in Black and White .
8 Many of the elaborate theses on English Literature produced by American students for their Doctorate , and afterwards published , were monuments of misdirected effort ; in short , a true sense of literature as a living thing was lost , and in its place was substituted an investigation after the worse pattern of German ‘ research ’ , deadening alike to those who wrote and those who read it .
9 Elsie lived but we know very little about her beyond a few basic facts : she married an older man who was rather irascible and treated her badly ; she disappeared in mysterious circumstances when she was about twenty-six ; her body was discovered a year ago on the bed of the filled-in Loch Craig .
10 Her body was found a week later hidden in the boot of her company car .
11 Her husband was allowed a visit .
12 Her picture was titled the Moon and the Crocodile .
13 A MAN convicted of murder who claims he was framed by the police to cover up their guilt was granted a retrial by the English Court of Appeal yesterday .
14 Their relationship was kept a secret until after the polar trek .
15 It is no accident that the rise of science and technology and subsequently industrialisation and the process of wealth creation followed the acceptance of an explicitly Biblical view of the world in which manual work was not considered contemptible and in which man was delegated the task of managing the world 's resources for his benefit .
16 In 1934 , on the recommendation of Professor Bell , Dean of the Faculty of Music at the University of Cape Town , her school was given a studio in the College of Music and she was taken on the staff of the Faculty of Music .
17 Mr Bland , whose funeral was held a week ago , had been in an irreversible coma since the disaster in 1989 .
18 For the 49 case children whose father was interviewed the numbers of cases having one , two , three , four , five , and six corresponding interviewed control fathers were one , three , five , 18 , 15 , and seven respectively .
19 His agent was sent a script and it was turned down .
20 His vehicle was called a taxi , but Virginia had privately questioned whether a bright orange mini-van , lined with fake tiger fur and blaring non-stop earsplitting calypso music , could rightfully claim that title .
21 His clothes were later found by the side of a canal in which his body was discovered a week later ; no clear reason for his death could be discerned .
22 More than that : he had himself sprung from the upper working class and naturally despised as unclean the lower working class : his life was made a misery by their proximity , and he longed for them to be evicted or murder each other in one of their not infrequent rows .
23 Under his bed was rolled a piece of carpet with a fringed edge , and among its creases Frankie kept his treasures .
24 He was with them when he won the title again in 1955 and his hat-trick was completed a year later after joining the Ferrari .
25 Over his shoulder was hung a canvas bag which contained all his worldly possessions , and close to his left heel trotted a black and white collie .
26 Upon his death his widow was granted a pension of £30 a year for five years .
27 THE father of one of two men killed in a minibus crash told how he knew his son was involved the moment he heard a radio report .
28 When our entry was confirmed the Society was already getting up steam , so the obvious thing was to consider ourselves its representatives .
29 For example ‘ our secretary was given the promotion ’ .
30 I did , yes , erm , when erm , we thought our prisoner was finished the co-ordinators wrote to me and said would I be interested , would our group be interested in erm , writing to Yugoslavia 's still , because with the Civil War going on there 's lots of cases coming up , for example there was a whole hospital full of patients that were taken prisoner I do n't know if they were actually physically removed or whether they were held in the hospital without access to medical treatment for something like ten days , and erm , Saria did say she 'd help me last time and I wrote back and said yes , two of us could write once a month , well they 're taken that very liberally and , and , got two or three things from the already and erm , if anyone else is interested in writing an odd letter say once a month to Yugoslavia maybe they could erm , let me know later on . .
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