Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] was [verb] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My function was to select and train the Pathfinders , I was given the choice of what I claim was the best and if I did not pick the best .
2 Cos that 's where my father was born and brought up in that old house .
3 My wound was probed and bandaged , and then the fool of a medico bled me , evidently under the impression that it would calm a supposed fever .
4 I was asked to be a coachman for Cinderella with my best friend , of course I was very excited and as the time grew nearer my costume was made and fitted .
5 Not quite sure how to broach the subject , and not wishing to be indiscreet , she murmured awkwardly , ‘ I do n't quite know how to put this , but part of the reason for my visit was to try and trace someone who lived here a long time ago , only I do n't quite like to ask around , because the person I 'm looking for might not like it — might not want everyone to know her business . ’
6 My mother was heaving and grunting , pushing and breathing , an hour or so away from producing , and attended by both Mrs Clamp and my father , when all three ( or at least two ; I suppose Agnes might have been too preoccupied ) heard frenzied barking and one high , awful scream .
7 The men wore short kilts of grey homespun , their hair was flowing or knotted at the back , most were bearded : the uplanders had arrived from the Glen of Keltney .
8 Its skin was stripped and rolled .
9 Her fur was bristling and erect , and she was grinning furiously to show her yellow uneven teeth .
10 Its function was to commission and buy programmes from independents and the franchise companies , not to make them itself .
11 Her hair was tousled and looked in need of brushing .
12 Her skin was tanned and freckled like a brown farm egg .
13 In the operating theatre a small area of her skin was shaved and cleaned with an antiseptic lotion once she was anaesthetized .
14 A third had a bloodstained rag bound round his forehead like a sweatband , from under which blood was seeping and trickling down the left side of his face .
15 Its closure was estimated as reducing capacity by approximately 100,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) , at an annual cost to the economy of US$500 million .
16 The woman 's face had turned white as snow and her mouth was opening and shutting like a halibut out of water and giving out a series of strangled gasps .
17 Her mouth was opening and shutting ; she had the urge to run from the room ; but then , this man was a doctor .
18 Programmers began to realize that the effectiveness of their work depended not so much on the particular format they had adopted as on the disciplined care with which their work was planned and executed .
19 Its engine was coughing and spluttering , stopping and then picking up again .
20 Anne was disappointed that her plan was dismissed but suggested inviting Chris for meals .
21 Exasperation often led him into acts of mischief for which he was quickly rapped by his rod-bearing aunt , but the atmosphere in which punishment was given and taken was a relaxed one , with his uncle able to laugh at some of his pranks .
22 Annie 's legs drummed on the bed ; her body was leaping and bucking , like a big fish barrelling upstream .
23 She had been married only four years when her husband was murdered while serving as a member of the Canadian peacekeeping mission in Cyprus .
24 Her husband was described as having difficulty coping with her .
25 Cathy was surprised how ill she looked , there was an area of paleness about her eyes , and her nose was pinched and reddened about the nostrils ; perhaps a summer cold , though Alan had said she was depressed .
26 FOUR yachtsmen competing in an annual night race cheated death yesterday after their vessel was flooded and began to sink three miles off the Isle of Man .
27 Their owner was arrested but released without charge on police bail .
28 Sheila stayed in one until her daughter was born and adopted ; Denise left London to live in the West Country on her own , and organised a place in one for herself and her eight-week-old baby ; and Lisa went into one when she was about six months pregnant .
29 DEEE-LITE 'S FIRST CONCERTS used DAT backing tapes , but it riled them that people thought all their music was borrowed and sampled .
30 Her hand was caught and held before it was anywhere near its target .
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