Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] have [adv] been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In consultation with the Department of the Environment and the Scottish Office , which are represented on MOD 's housing task force , my Department has recently been in contact with all local authorities , seeking information on their arrangements for the provision of housing for ex-service personnel .
2 My mind has not been on dust , Emilia . ’
3 My poetry had never been of so much practical use to me before .
4 However , Major John Wiseman , M.C. , at first told me categorically ( in a private communication ) that my husband had not been in ‘ A ’ Squadron , but later kindly wrote to me to correct this statement .
5 She 'd crow all over the place to her friends , ‘ Do you know my husband has never been in contact with cutlery before ? ’
6 Jumble sales are my passion , and I was amazed to hear that my friend had never been to one .
7 And when I arrived I wouldn't 've been surprised if my name had n't been on the list but it was there .
8 My father has n't been in touch since I was eight years old .
9 My style has always been to be analytical , ’ says the man who gained a double first in maths at King 's College , Cambridge .
10 He came in with the ideas , give the drivers and conductors everything they asked for whereby my training had always been to only give them what they were really entitled to , not give them anything extra but he gave them the earth and that erm did n't sort of go very well for the new Manager who came in , he had a lot of undoing to do there , that this fella had given away , in his six or seven weeks there .
11 My grandfather had also been in the Army , firstly in the Leicestershire Regiment during the Great War , and then the Education Corps after the armistice .
12 My interest has always been in locating the various holes on the surface from descriptions I have read .
13 The Chairman of Orkney Island Council Social Work Committee , Councillor Mairhi Trickett denied that any members of her department had ever been to any courses or seminars on the subject of ritual or satanic abuse .
14 And anyway , why would the Cathedral jackdaws suddenly break the habit of centuries and come to the south side when their haunt had always been on the north ?
15 Across the history of policing their need has always been for the light of research to illuminate the activities of the underprivileged and the powerless , rather than focus upon the élite themselves !
16 At the time of writing that message , its author had certainly been in the right frame to oust Theo Sykes from the role of chief suspect .
17 It would not come although it must have been on the same day as the trip to the cathedral and her aunt had undoubtedly been with her .
18 She had hoped to talk to him , to suggest that he ring Maureen , who knew quite well that her niece had never been to Venice before .
19 She revealed how , since that fateful day , her life had not been worth living … the loneliness , the bitter regrets and the lingering shame that rose above all else .
20 In the last few years , however , with the entry of European literary theory into British and American academic life , its prestige has definitely been on the wane .
21 Little Gino , whose ambition had always been to be taller than four foot ten , had got a little too interested when it was his turn and even in the candlelight we could all see that he 'd deliberately got his charm bracelet tangled in one of Sorrel 's suspenders .
22 ‘ Golden Milkboy ’ , whose sex has never been in doubt , unlike its silver counterpart , is the opposite way round , with a central gold flare surrounded by green .
23 Since then his heart had not been in the horse vaulting or the running on the spot .
24 Paul saw this as a reproach to himself , as if he had not shown enough interest ; perhaps in fact he had not ; his heart had never been in it .
25 Later Dr Cox , from Colden Common , Hants , stressed that his trial had not been about ‘ the general issue of euthanasia ’ .
26 Oh , God , his girlfriend had actually been in the house while he was making love to her .
27 His jotting pad was covered with hot-air balloons , intricately patterned and decorated ; part of his mind had obviously been with his private passion .
28 The other half of his ambition has never been in doubt .
29 The quality of his work has always been of exceptional high standard and featured in every major project in the company .
30 His wife had invariably been to lambing and , sometimes , calving courses .
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