Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] have [vb pp] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It has never , of course , been my privilege to have seen such things at first hand , but I will nevertheless hazard this with some confidence : the English landscape at its finest — such as I saw it this morning — possesses a quality that the landscapes of other nations , however more superficially dramatic , inevitably fail to possess .
2 My sister 's got two Alsatian 's , all they do on the .
3 I started it cos I started teasing her cos she 's big chested for her age , right , she 's gon na follow my sister cos my sister 's got big boobs and I started , but of course he just carries it on and on and on now .
4 My watch has got luminous markings , that 's how I know .
5 The funding of the Energy Efficiency Office in my Department has risen 10 times since the Government took office in 1979 .
6 My vehicle has covered 62,000 miles and the oil pressure when cold is 40 psi and 20 psi when hot .
7 How could my dream have produced such madness ?
8 Now we have moved to Dulwich , my husband has had another go at joining .
9 Does my right hon. and learned Friend accept the good news , contrary to what was said by the hon. Member for Ashfield ( Mr. Haynes ) , that although in recent times my constituency has experienced economic difficulties , so successful has my right hon. and learned Friend 's training and enterprise programme been that the Crawley and District Industries Association has told me that this is the first time during a downturn in the economy when training by companies has increased rather than decreased ?
10 The best one my friend 's got this gun , his name 's James , it 's about that big yeah ?
11 At the start of every summer term for goodness knows how long , my name had appeared five times on the new lecture list .
12 A lifelong supporter , I have always been regarded as a tactical genius by the Duck and Forceps regulars and , from day one , my appointment has brought renewed hope to the terraces .
13 When an apprentice , after leaving school at thirteen , my father had spent several years as a striker — using a sledgehammer .
14 I could see in the wing mirror that my arrival had provoked some interest .
15 I could make out the spot where my dad had stood that night .
16 My dad 's got brown hair and glasses and he 's a funny man .
17 I was seventeen , and most of the other students in my year had done military service and were a lot older .
18 And now my family have offered forty-nine cattle to his family , but the government will not take them to give to his family in England . ’
19 This is a day that 's growing bleaker , and I feel my face has aged ten years .
20 I wrote up the notes , made myself some scrambled eggs , then decided to walk over to the post office to see if my brother had telephoned last night with any message .
21 My brother 's got this mate at school , called Victor .
22 We did not stop , and when I got home to Banbury it was to hear that my mother had died that day in Cardiff .
23 A marriage only needs , can only support , one strong partner , and my mother had claimed that role for herself .
24 I do n't know what my mother 's fed that dog today , but it 's certainly repeating on him tonight !
25 My mother has said many times in our adult life that although she loved our father and should have stood by him , as far as Richard was concerned , ‘ she could not help herself ’ .
26 My pack has sponsored some animals — a natterjack toad and a sand lizard .
27 The suggestion that an astronomical innovation might require a new physics was subversive of a hierarchy in which physics had enjoyed greater prestige than astronomy .
28 NMW is launching a new award for the silliest job title in Britain ‘ to demonstrate the degree to which posing has penetrated many companies , at the cost of performance ’ .
29 1991 , 27 1148 ) , I at once came to appreciate why it is that chemistry has so largely lost its appeal to the young : it is because its teaching has lost all discipline , degrading the science from a pursuit of excellence to ‘ fiddling the results ’ .
30 As its rival has acquired new functions , the Home Office , so long a repository for a bewildering assortment of responsibilities , has been losing them .
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