Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [was/were] [v-ing] to be " in BNC.

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1 At one point , he was screaming at the top of his voice ; he also relived his own birth , met his fears of homosexuality and had the most terrifying fright ‘ that my prick was going to be cut off ’ .
2 Then the war loomed up black and sinister ; my work was going to be interrupted .
3 Telling my Pop was going to be the worst bit .
4 I went to the bar racks , the caserna , in Fontanellato to find out when my father was going to be released , but was told that they did not know , for he was in the hands of the Secret Police .
5 I could never have imagined , however , how rich my life was going to be : how many friends we were to make , the places in the world we were to visit , and all the wealth of love and kindness from others we were to experience .
6 If someone had told me a month before that my life was going to be changed so dramatically , I would not have believed them .
7 The teachers tried to put life into our lessons and some of the people in my form were trying to be funny as well .
8 I carried on , wondering if my destination was going to be a nineteenth-century asylum , or the sixteenth century .
9 Just at that moment my gardener came with his basket , and when the woman realised that the flowers in the vase on my table were going to be thrown away , to make way for the fresh ones .
10 Yet what I was really doing was hardening myself against disappointment — my mother was going to be abroad when the baby was born .
11 On Monday many years ago my mother was preparing to be brought to bed of me … on the Thursday following .
12 Nobody knew for certain which building was going to be used , but there was a strong rumour that it was going to be the orfanotrofio , the orphanage .
13 The couple , from Grimsby , Humberside , first feared their wedding was going to be a washout because of torrential rain .
14 Then came the day when his own two sons came home and asked their mother ‘ when their Daddy was going to be killed , because all racing-driver daddies got killed ’ .
15 But their magnetism was beginning to be challenged as early as 1953 by Marilyn Monroe , playing the busty gold-digger , Lorelei Lee , in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes alongside Jane Russell , whose bust , supported by a specially cantilevered bra designed by her master Howard Hughes , was the most noticeable asset she had .
16 When residents of Milton near Abingdon heard their traffic was going to be calmed they were delighted .
17 and i it was n't in all areas that the came back , I mean in some areas there was enough security but you would n't know which area was going to be secure .
18 Their life was going to be different from those of the married couples around them , he had promised himself .
19 She had to think this out very carefully , because the rest of her life was going to be affected by any decisions she made today .
20 Owing to the perfect weather the tables were all taken outside and detector users sunbathed on the grass , whilst checking their tokens to see if their number was going to be chosen for a major prize .
21 She had thought her birthday was going to be fairly quiet and uneventful .
22 Her school was going to be right with it , modem , classless , with no absurd delusions about exclusivity .
23 Individual capitalists could serve his cause , even making a personal profit on the way , but they were also selling the rope with which they and their class were going to be hanged .
24 Did he think his chef was going to be pleased with his achievement ?
25 His only concern at that time was whether his marriage was going to be able to stand up to his time in jail .
26 So erm you know I 'm glad it 's only that but I suspect when the day comes his car will but he took these erm homeopathic tranquillisers of course thinking his test was going to be a couple of weeks ago .
27 But he admitted that clearing his name was going to be ‘ the hardest battle of my life ’ .
28 Either way , however he did it ( and he was becoming increasingly sure that it was a good idea ) , his life was going to be a lot more fun .
29 Hank already had the feeling that his life was going to be anything but normal and was adamant about leaving school , but agreed reluctantly to tell his father when next he came home .
30 I had the impression that if he did n't come through on this one soon his position was going to be in very grave danger .
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