Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [is] [adv] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 Some chloride may come from natural sources , with occasionally large amounts from salt-bearing rock strata , but its presence is usually taken as indicating sewage contamination of the supply .
2 The idea that a film 's director is the primary , shaping source of its meaning is simultaneously inscribed as middlebrow commonsense ( see the film review columns of The Observer , City Limits , or any publication targeted at the bourgeois intelligentsia , with their umbilical linking of film title and director 's name ) and dismissed as hopelessly outmoded by every branch of recent critical theory .
3 Martin Knapp ( 1993 ) has summarized the dimensions along which reform is concurrently progressing as moving from supply-led to needs-led services ; from an emphasis on institutions to a reduced emphasis on institutions ; from a public welfare model to a mixed economy ; and a movement from health service to local authority provision .
4 Its magnitude is officially given as below 9 , so that it should be invisible with binoculars ; I have suspected it with × 12 or higher magnification , but it is difficult to be sure , as there are scattered disconnected stars around .
5 Its scenery is widely regarded as being among the best in the country .
6 The state and its machinery is generally viewed as beneficent in this context .
7 It is simply the case that the heroin use of the male partner places her in a situation in which the drug is not only readily available , but its use is also seen as socially acceptable .
8 The introduction of newly-developed linings that can be pushed down into crumbling sewers to extend their life is widely touted as bringing the cost of renovating the nation 's sewers down somewhere nearer to what impoverished water authorities can afford .
9 One IRA bomb attack later and what was derided as her paranoia is already assimilated as normal public life .
10 Because Richard usurped the throne , his retinue is inevitably seen as inimical to the crown and therefore in an important sense independent of royal authority .
11 Because Richard usurped the throne , his retinue is inevitably seen as inimical to the crown and therefore in an important sense independent of royal authority .
12 We can quickly dispose of the most obvious zone fossil , the king himself , in that he had already lived for 60 years before his era began and we have seen that his era is commonly regarded as lasting several years after his extinction .
13 ( The year of his birth is usually cited as 1800 , as a result of a mistake in his obituary in the Gardeners ’ Chronicle . )
14 In the earlier years , however , it was the first and the third that he most tended to emphasise — the otherness of God , and the impossibility of climbing up to true knowledge of him by our own efforts — so that even today his thought is widely interpreted as essentially negative , as circling ever around God 's ‘ No ! ’ to human presumption .
15 Your address is best stated as , but it keeps appearing as ( or worse ) .
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