Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In 1759 some of the greatest Portuguese nobles whom Pombal regarded as threats to his position , the Duke of Aveiro , the Marquis of Tavora , the Marquis of Alorna , were accused of conspiring against the king , tortured and in some cases broken on the wheel .
2 The suspects were then brought up by number , a single man at a time ( and as I heard them begin with ‘ one ’ , the skin of my neck tightened in anticipation of gunfire which never came ) .
3 However that may be , I woke before dawn next day and , just by lying alert on my miserable bunk , was able to let my intelligence spread like mist beyond the narrow confines of the prison .
4 My tracer passed in line with the machine but behind it , and rather than stop firing , I pulled back steadily on my control column until the tracers crept along the rear of the machine and into the cockpit .
5 I found the whisky , let myself out of the cellar and locked it , turned all the lights out , gave Mrs McSpadden the bottle , accepted a belated new-year kiss from her , then made my way out through the kitchen and the corridor and the crowded hall where the music sounded loud and people were laughing , and out through the now almost empty entrance hall and down the steps of the castle and down the driveway and down to Gallanach , where I walked along the esplanade — occasionally having to wave or say ‘ Happy New Year ’ to various people I did n't know — until I got to the old railway pier and then the harbour , where I sat on the quayside , legs dangling , drinking my whisky and watching a couple of swans glide on black , still water , to the distant sound of highland jigs coming from the Steam Packet Hotel , and singing and happy-new-year shouts echoing in the streets of the town , and the occasional sniff as my nose watered in sympathy with my eyes .
6 ‘ I was very angry when I saw my name mentioned in connection with an incident that had absolutely nothing to do with me . ’
7 While still in hospital I decided to pass my knowledge gleaned through stupidity to other people .
8 My wife acted as housekeeper for the officers ' houses and Mrs Weaverhurst , the headmistress , took charge of St Michael 's .
9 My speciality shifted from building to wading through the Bunyala swamps with wellies and a rucksack on my back .
10 My anorak served as armour in more than the literal sense : it protected me , as anorexia protected me , from the confusing impingements of reality as defined by others at home or at school , and who could not even agree among themselves , on my behalf .
11 So when I 'd picked myself up from the floor , my arm bruised from shoulder to wrist , I thought ‘ I 'll show the buggers . ’
12 When I 'm off the island during the winter I spend most of my time stuck in front of a computer writing reports .
13 San Jose , California-based Alliance Semiconductor Corp has bought the Sparc Mbus/Sbus chipset designer Nimbus Technology Inc on undisclosed terms : the Santa Clara , California start-up created a stir last year with its chipset designed for use with the superscalar Sparcs from Texas Instruments Inc and Cypress Semiconductor Corp ( UX No 383 ) — Nimbus received $1.5m funding from Cypress subsidiary Ross Technology Inc .
14 The accord , expected to take effect over three to four years , was the third of its kind concluded by Russia with major Western powers , following those with the USA in October [ see p. 39169 ] and with the United Kingdom on Nov. 10 .
15 In this exercise , students were : introduced to Prestel as an integral part of their course introduced to Prestel in the context of information technology using the word processing package relating the exercise to a real situation planning how to find information involved in scanning and interpreting information The library was again cooperating with a teacher in planning the exercise ; demonstrating a new source of information to students ; enabling students who might not otherwise do so , to use new technology in a way which is related to their curricular and personal needs .
16 In the early second century women continued to be portrayed with their hair piled in tiers above the brow , but the tightly restrained locks were deeply unflattering in comparison with the coiffures of Flavian portraits .
17 She emerged from her apartment preceded by officers of the household and as she went along ‘ spoke very graciously , first to one , then to another , whether foreign ministers , or those who attended for different reasons ’ .
18 The Department of Employment promptly found its budget cut by £120m in 1990–91 and by £230m in 1991–92 , with the most drastic reductions falling on the programme for training unemployed adults .
19 Terah 's three sons are named , and their home-town given as Ur of the Chaldeans .
20 And she had her hair done in pigtails with green ribbons , and a stupid green hat stuck on her head .
21 Though she was not entirely at ease with Mrs Frere her heart flooded with sympathy for her loss .
22 Barbra , 50 , had her heart set on property in California until she found out it was in the path of the killers which are slowly migrating north from South America where 600 people have been stung to death .
23 Crookes ' biographer Fournier d'Albe worked and wrote on this , which had baffled various investigators because its resistance changed under exposure to light-but inconsistently if there is impurity .
24 The PMUG is making its presence known to users of the program through number of channels .
25 All sides of the distributive coal trade in Britain renew their plea made on behalf of their customers , to the Chancellor before the budget , not to create hardship by taxing warmth .
26 Her mind filled with pictures of the old grey-stone manor house , surrounded by peaceful green fields , where the children could run and play to their hearts ' content .
27 Her mind filled with images of police cars , interrogations , court scenes .
28 Then , with nothing else left to do , she crawled into bed and slept fitfully , her mind filled with images of Jack 's beloved , dirt-streaked face laughing into the camera .
29 Her mind clenched in terror before his alien violence .
30 To one side , just in view , stood a magnificent funerary couch , the grey stone of its side engraved with images of gardens and pavilions in which ancient scholars sat enthroned while the women of the household wove and prepared food , sang or played the ancient p'i p'a .
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