Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [that] i [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 But although I wrote in my diary that I wished I were dead , I never seriously considered death — suicide — as a solution to my problems .
2 You may gather from my behaviour that I meant you , not Jones .
3 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
4 I feel now that I 've got an epitaph at the end of my life that I did something , I was n't a taker …
5 It was during my visit that I made my acquaintance with Woolworths and thought it a marvellous store with goods that were priced at either 3d or 6d ; the firm did not arrive in Salisbury until 1927 .
6 He must have seen from my face that I knew what he was talking about .
7 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
8 But it is not their wish that I put myself into their shoes , rather than living free and wishing that for them also .
9 It was only later that I dared to approach the nurse who did the dispensing and whisper in her ear that I knew nothing of Bach Remedies and would she please enlighten me .
10 A number of myths have grown up about David 's relationship with me — one of them being that I wanted him to be another Tommy Steele or another cabaret star , but this was not true .
11 I was so affected by his discovery that I pursued his future career with the Museum Service and later visited him in his cardboard box .
12 It was only as I read your article that I realised my husband had n't been receiving an allowance for a dependant — me !
13 However , it is not about your father that I summoned you today , it is about you . ’
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