Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] the house of " in BNC.

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1 The document is actually being printed at the taxpayers ' expense on the two photocopiers next to my desk in the House of Commons .
2 Still a device was invented to cover up the disappearance of an old landmark ; and at the accession of Her present gracious Majesty , she was unlawfully proclaimed by a new title ‘ Head of the Commonwealth ’ , subsequently legalised by the Royal Titles Act 1953 , against which I am proud to recall that I protested in my place in the House of Commons .
3 In my statement to the House of 15 January , I explained th steps that I had taken to improve the first five environmentally sensitive areas designated in 1987 , my plans for reviewing this year those ESAs designated in 1988 , including any boundary adjustments , and my timetable for designating a further 12 areas this year and in 1993 .
4 Under the terms of my statement to the House of 26 March 1991 , which set in motion the talks that we held , it is open to any party to raise any issues — including constitutional issues — that it considers relevant .
5 ‘ I 'm afraid my interest in the house of Vila has run its course .
6 However , Ms Mountford took her case to the House of Lords where a dramatic reversal in judicial policy took place .
7 Careful analysis of the electoral results showed that the ALP 's narrow victory — its majority in the House of Representatives fell from 18 to eight and it suffered a negative swing of almost 2 per cent — had been achieved through skilful targeting of marginal constituencies and preference voters .
8 8 Each party is " disciplined " and possesses sufficient internal cohesion , so as to ensure that once in office it is able to carry its programme through the House of Commons and into law .
9 I have to acquaint the House that this House has this day attended Her Majesty in the House of Peers , and that Her Majesty was pleased to make a Most Gracious Speech from the Throne to both Houses of Parliament , of which I have , for greater accuracy , obtained a copy .
10 They plan to take their campaign to the House of Lords in an attempt to finally get some answers .
11 During its passage through the House of Commons , however , an amendment was introduced by spokesmen for groups of employers , and reluctantly accepted by Fisher , which postponed for seven years the continuation class clauses for those aged between 16 and 18 .
12 However , the government 's spokesman on the Bill in its passage through the House of Lords , Lord Caithness , tried to give assurances that there was virtually no possibility that a local authority nor its librarians were in danger of falling foul of the Act by simply stocking homosexual material as part of the library service to the public .
13 The Bill completed its passage through the House of Commons in January this year , with only minor amendments .
14 An almost identical Bill was introduced as a private member 's Bill in the 1973–74 session and successfully completed its passage through the House of Lords , when it fell at its Second Reading in the House of Commons on the dissolution of Parliament .
15 There can be little doubt that the government 's ‘ take-over ’ of the Bill during its passage through the House of Commons contributed to its textual defects .
16 The next day he reported its receipt to the House of Commons and forwarded it to the Treasury with some papers explaining the background to the competition .
17 Her job with the House of Mattli was her life .
18 Mrs Chalker , who lost her seat at the general election , faced giving up her job as Minister of the Overseas Development Administration and Britain 's leading representative at the European Bank , leaving a gap in the British team but will continue in her post from the House of Lords .
19 ‘ However , ’ the Council said in its evidence to the House of Lords Committee examining the EC 's proposal for a Directive on nitrate in vulnerable waters , ‘ the nitrate pollution that occurs is caused by the application of chemical fertilisers and animal slurries , which contain a mixture of phosphate and nitrate .
20 As we shall see in the second part of this chapter , their conflict with the house of Foix was to become a dominant theme of the politics of south-west France .
21 But advocates of PR said afterwards that the issue would not go away : Labour has yet to decide its preferred method of electing its proposed regional assemblies and its replacement for the House of Lords .
22 Despite disagreements about the payment of her dowry , Margaret 's marriage gave rise to a military and diplomatic alliance between the houses of Foix-Bearn and L'Isle Jourdain , concluded in January 1298 , which was to serve the counts well in their quarrel with the house of Armagnac .
23 To ask the Attorney-General if he will make a statement setting out the action which he has taken since the report of the Select Committee on Trade and Industry about the circumstances relating to its consideration of the House of Fraser issue .
24 A Commission of Inquiry into Peat and Peatlands set up by Plantlife , a plant conservation trust , has submitted its report to the House of Lords .
25 We urge our readers to write to their MP at the House of Commons .
26 After all , there is a 100 per cent marriage failure rate for their generation of the House of Windsor .
27 The case is currently on its way to the House of Lords .
28 Finally , later in the day , on her way to the House of Commons , and after she was known to have met a group of senior party figures , she vigorously reiterated her determination to fight on .
29 A MOTHER campaigning for a change in County Durham 's education policy for dyslexic children plans to take her appeal to the House of Commons .
30 Publication of the report by the Observer in March this year caused a furore and prompted a special committee of Law Lords to decide whether Lonrho had been guilty of contempt of court before its appeal to the House of Lords on the Fraser bid .
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