Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 I was doing my SHO in paediatrics at the time , and I had a word with my boss .
2 The women showed their distrust of men at the wheel by citing all sorts of objections .
3 However , it is important to note and counter the limitations of mainstream approaches to management training , with their top-down assumptions , their tendency to exclude all but the head and senior staff , and their focus on strategies at the expense of educational purposes .
4 Fernandes , the party 's former shadow Foreign Minister , was quoted as saying that if Savimbi did not accept their call for reforms at the party conference to be held on June 30 , their tendency would split from UNITA .
5 As well as sending the hotel an updated booking position each month , Saga sent a final rooming list four weeks before your departure , confirming the names of clients taking up their allocation of rooms at the hotel .
6 I frequent pubs and clubs and brasseries , the neglected poky holes of single social living ; watching the fat flamenco dancer weave her way across tables at the Spanish bar , eating tapas at four in the morning .
7 Your solicitor should give you information about charges at the outset , and will be happy to discuss in advance any particular points on the cost you wish to raise .
8 Since Lothar had been summoned to meet his father at Worms at the beginning of July , he was already in the far north of Italy en route to the Rhineland when news of the emperor 's death reached him .
9 The sand felt firm here under his feet and he dog-paddled while checking the depth before easing on shore to lie with his chin on pebbles at the water 's edge , hearing the talk of sentries and just able to make out two figures behind a wall beyond the beach .
10 ‘ He even gave us a talk about his love of birds at the Tory Party Conference .
11 In his address to delegates at the conference , Dr David Wheeler , manager of environmental services at the Robens Institute , Surrey University , said that EC directives on viral contamination levels in seawater were being ignored because they were too stringent .
12 He told her his version of events at the dog track and then about Parminter .
13 The Leader of the Opposition said in his letter to supporters at the beginning of this year that Britain had a £20 billion trade deficit , when the truth was that the deficit fell by a half and the right hon. Gentleman 's figures were wholly wrong .
14 He made no allegations concerning his time in homes at the age of four , but complained about his time at the smallholding in Anglesey .
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