Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 However , if the hon. Gentleman had attended the seminar at which I made my remarks last Monday — I greatly regret that he was not there to hear me talk about delegation to the regional arts boards — he would have known that I made the point that if such delegation is fully successful — if the regional arts boards are progressing well — the question whether the five major national companies should continue to be funded by the Arts Council or be funded directly will arise .
2 And that was the purpose of my digression from anthropology to the sociology of monetary exchange .
3 Did you not talk the back of my mind about change to the report system ?
4 Thus it was that I decided to give Edward Young a greater part to play in At Home in Thrush Green for , having burnt down the rectory in an earlier book , it seemed only right that I should hand over the job of replacing my act of arson to the architect I had created .
5 It 's no exaggeration to say that I owe my start in politics to the G M B because after having worked , as Dick said , for the G M B for a number of years it was the support of the G M B which helped me win the nomination for Chesterly Street and in the early eighties I can remember when er the Labour Party was going through a difficult period it was officials and members of the G M B who were a steadying influence in my constituency , as they have been ever since .
6 Partly because the sense of sight is the sense most extensively used in the practice of science , and partly for convenience , I will restrict my discussion of observation to the realm of seeing .
7 Furthermore , since they are not directives but guidelines they must be flexible enough to allow for teacher participation and the exercise of initiative so that teachers can follow their course in reference to the bearings provided .
8 And as protons have essentially the same mass as neutrons the range of the proton trail and its direction with respect to the incident neutron beam accurately determines the energy of the incident neutron .
9 The Third Market , like the USM before it , doubtless owes its existence in part to the competition posed by Harvard Securities and the OTC market .
10 It is therefore important that practitioners take cognisance of its existence in relation to the needs of elderly people .
11 FAMILIES of victims of the Hove arson tragedy take their fight for justice to the High Court next week .
12 Its function as banker to the government and to the monetary sector .
13 Clearly the relativistic approach of Becker is self evidently required in one form or another in any sociology of deviance , and it is perhaps a rather miserable reflection on the state of the discipline that such an elementary argument is ignored by those who see it as clashing with their struggle for admission to the club of natural science .
14 The High Court 's Sept. 2 judgment ( following a petition filed by Win Chadha , one of those named by the CBI as centrally involved in the scandal ) had intervened as a cantonal court in Geneva was due to deliver its verdict in response to the CBI 's request for assistance .
15 Since most shares issued are ‘ fully paid up ’ , shareholders may hide behind the corporate veil , assured that their liability with respect to the company does not extend beyond the value of their shares .
16 Then , for more than 300 years until the legions left , the Romans ruled Britain , bringing their talent for organisation to the country , building roads which made travel easier , and all the time controlling the province through the administration of Roman law — backed up by the powerful legions of the Roman army .
17 Only the blessings of a continuing income from North Sea oil kept the balance of payments in reasonable condition , but even here the emergence of the pound as a ‘ petro-currency ’ ( along with high interest rates ) led to its appreciation in value to the cost of British exports .
18 Heroism presented itself to her still as sacrifice ; but she turned her mind in pity to the heroines who had suffered atrocious torments to keep their bud for the eternal bridegroom ; surely , and the paradox hit her humour with satisfying logic , the most excellent act of selflessness for a virgin was to surrender up her state ?
19 By contrast continental lithosphere has a significantly lower mean density than oceanic lithosphere and its buoyancy with respect to the asthenosphere prevents all but limited subduction .
20 One article reputedly worth its weight in gold to the soviet navy , was an account of HMS Invincible 's sea trials that appeared in Electronics Weekly .
21 Now they are poised to step up their bid for promotion to the Premier Division in the New Year along with group winners Cheshire .
22 THE Scottish Nationalists ( Diary , Monday ) are attributing much of their surge in popularity to the backing of actor Sean Connery .
23 In December 1990 the UN Security Council approved the termination of its Trusteeship in relation to the Marshalls [ see p. 37920 ] , and the country joined the UN in September 1991 [ see p. 38458 ] .
24 As the final item of business in the parliament of 1555 , the queen 's advocate got up to present her act of revocation to the regent and the three estates , signed with Mary 's own hand and sealed with her privy seal at Fontainebleau on 25 April .
25 When viewed in this light its theoretical position and its influence in relation to the social movements of Fabianism and New Liberalism may be revealed .
26 An alternative would therefore be to use a UK-resident Newco for the share/debenture exchange and , to circumvent the capital gains tax disadvantage of this , it could soon after the acquisition transfer its stake in Target to the partnership by way of a capital distribution , leaving it with the loan-note obligations to the vendor shareholders and the cash to meet such obligations .
27 Zarina Bhimji often discusses the development of her work in relation to the growth of plants and , more specifically , the action of sunlight on chlorophyll — known as photosynthesis .
28 Possible worlds vary in their degree of resemblance to the actual world .
29 We follow Booth ( 1984a ) in allowing for individuals to be differentiated by their degree of commitment to the union movement , and we also follow Naylor ( 1989 , 1990 ) and Naylor and Cripps ( 1989 ) in allowing for individual 's utility gain from following the social custom to be moderated according to their degree of commitment to the union movement .
30 We follow Booth ( 1984a ) in allowing for individuals to be differentiated by their degree of commitment to the union movement , and we also follow Naylor ( 1989 , 1990 ) and Naylor and Cripps ( 1989 ) in allowing for individual 's utility gain from following the social custom to be moderated according to their degree of commitment to the union movement .
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