Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] with the " in BNC.

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1 However , I 've just spent an interesting few minutes with my nose in line with the needles , gingerly winding the transfer carriage along with the ribber on half pitch — all in the interests of this article you understand , while hoping I would n't damage the transfer needle !
2 I do n't know whether you 've found time to consider my request for help with the publication of this response ?
3 In 1985 , ACTA established a national maritime art award and P&O Containers have decided to continue their support in partnership with the Australian National Maritime Museum .
4 The measure was condemned by some economists as crude and ill-conceived , particularly since it threatened to wipe out the personal savings of many ordinary people : Soviet citizens were generally disinclined to place their money in accounts with the state savings bank , either because of mistrust , or because the low interest rate provided little incentive , or because it was necessary to carry a large amount of cash in case of chancing upon a scarce commodity which had suddenly come into stock in a state shop .
5 The Dutch sellers now relied upon a clause ( clause 13 ) in their contract of sale with the buyers and claimed therefore to have proprietary rights entitling them to have priority over the buyers ' other creditors .
6 This explains the joy which side by side with the sense of infinite obligation is the characteristic note of apostolic Christianity .
7 Where a registered foreign lawyer who would , apart from this rule , be required to pay an annual contribution or special levy , claims , and the Council agrees , that he or she is so covered in respect of dishonesty or failure to account , whether by a compensation fund other than the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund , or by an indemnity fund other than the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund , or by compulsory insurance , that there is a substantial reduction in the risk to the Solicitors ' Compensation Fund in respect of his or her practice in comparison with the risk presented by a solicitor practising in a like manner , the Council may reduce that annual contribution or special levy to such amount as the Council thinks fit or to zero .
8 It is customary for a successful candidate after being elected to move a vote of thanks to the returning officer and his staff for their work in connection with the election , and this is usually seconded by an unsuccessful candidate .
9 The Chairman thanked Mr Newcombe and all others concerned for their work in connection with the setting up of the Museum .
10 All the small states fear that any strengthening of the European Parliament , where they have relatively few seats in comparison with big brothers like Britain and Germany , will lead to a weakening of their influence by comparison with the Council of Ministers , which they attend as equals .
11 If the court finds against a nation which is a signatory , that nation is obliged to bring its law into conformity with the law as stated by the court .
12 Ram is expanding its range of clubs with the introduction of the new Tom Watson Cobalt 53 , 55 and 58 degrees wedges .
13 The Criminal Law Revision Committee , a by-product of Penal Practice in a Changing Society in 1959 , continued its work in parallel with the Law Commission , but under the aegis of the Home Office .
14 Members of Parliament are being asked about such matters as their degree of satisfaction with the quantity and quality of financial information available to them and the extent to which they feel that MPs can and should be closely involved in scrutinising the management of government , together with their ‘ unstructured ’ personal response to the problem of the control of the public administration by the House of Commons .
15 They were also exercising their right in keeping with the loyalty with which they were born , as they were helping to rebuild a security station .
16 One can imagine their need of concentration with the family trying to keep warm round a peat fire in a dark room , reading by the light of a flickering homemade candle or smoky paraffin lamp but perhaps it was easier than trying to compete with a noisy television set a century later .
17 In the absence of any significant anti-secretory effects , it seems likely that the beneficial action of cisapride reported in this study results from its prokinetic qualities , which might enhance the clearance of acidic gastric effluent from the bulb , and thereby reduce its duration of contact with the duodenal mucosa .
18 In the shared community of sacrifice the party had undoubtedly widened its community of interest with the British people , and was able to speak for all of the people in 1917–18 as it had spoken for only an embattled half in 1913 .
19 Her long training in church circles was evident too in her ease of manner with the other parish women , which contrasted with Penelope 's slightly defiant air resulting from shyness and uncertainty .
20 The incoming Labour government created a separate Welsh Office with a Cabinet minister at its head in line with the long-standing Scottish Office .
21 Having seen its share of contracts with the ministry dwindle to ‘ practically zero ’ in 1987 , Mr De Benedetti says Olivetti capitulated and paid up in 1988 .
22 However , the growing budget deficit and lax credit policies led to its devaluation from parity with the rouble and caused a near breakdown in trade between Ukraine and Russia .
23 These candidates simply vomited over the page everything they knew upon the two topics ; they made no attempt to bring their knowledge into relation with the question , and did not even divide off their answer by the ( a ) and ( b ) of the question .
24 The report came amidst speculation that radical factions supported by Khalkhali had intensified their attacks on the government for its policy of rapprochement with the West .
25 Tambo arrived in time for the first consultative conference of the movement for 31 years , an event which provided an opportunity for the ANC to clarify its policy of negotiation with the government .
26 ( 3 ) The GDR , taking into consideration the foreign trade relations that have evolved with the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance [ Comecon ] , shall progressively bring its policy into line with the law and the economic policy goals of the European Communities …
27 After the publication of Democracy versus Dictatorship the League decided to modify its policy in conformity with the Labour Party attitude .
28 The most perplexing problem facing members of the Labour Party in the early 1930s was how to reconcile their advocacy of peace with the urgent need to deal with the threat of European fascism .
29 And book supplier D and P Seabrook is shutting its depot in Stroud with the loss of twenty one jobs , as part of an efficiency drive .
30 They are just carrying out their life in accordance with the rules given them , as all ‘ people ’ including Chewong do .
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