Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [noun sg] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises …
2 I feel my heart pounding as I think of her , and I can not push from my mind a strong feeling that something has happened to her .
3 He had been very proud of my golfing prowess when it won me a place in the university golf team , and had even been heard to express his satisfaction when my handicap went down to scratch .
4 When I got my first job out of training it was at Worthing in a juvenile leading role and I got my Equity card because I had been chosen .
5 ‘ But I was terrified to tell anyone what had really happened — he was quite capable of deliberately sabotaging my degree work if I did .
6 It seemed especially desperate at a charter fair in my home town as we watched a local housewife who had set up her fortune-telling tent .
7 I gave Tom and Clive my telephone number when we left … ’
8 have a go on my exercise bike if you want .
9 A master might also hit you with a pencil box on the buttocks , if you had n't learnt your " verbs " and I was once shaken so violently for crossing out a word in my exercise book when I had been told not to , that I nearly fell down with giddiness .
10 I fiddle with my safety catch like I 've just finished on the firing range , and I lean back looking nonchalant because I 'm too weak to make a move .
11 She got worried about my piano teacher when he arrived yesterday .
12 The problem with my files would have been solved if I had been using an IBM machine — but they were way beyond my price range when I bought my first computer .
13 They would sit patiently either side of my word processor as I wrote into the small hours , purring appreciatively when I was pleased with myself , and opening their eyes enquiringly when I was not .
14 I have been an avid reader since nursery school , and so find it very difficult to understand my headmaster husband when he dawdles over anything except travel brochures and restaurant menus !
15 My scoring output since I left Leicester has n't been good — but after that goal against Liverpool maybe I can start improving . ’
16 As the weather was nice I transferred the goldfish to my garden pond where he stayed from May to September .
17 I have gipies coming up from Somerset into my county division because they have been moved on because Somerset is designated .
18 Well I put some nice pretty flags on my flower bed cos it seems , well I just did it , you know and they 're all , they 're all
19 I have seen the cats of my country look as she looks now and afterwards make a great howling .
20 I have told my childhood story because it seems to me to parallel the general evolution of a progressive , child-centred approach to learning .
21 I 'd barely finished my prawn cocktail before I realised I could fall for him . ’
22 Then Goiko 's wife begged the master-mason , " At Least leave a small gap , so that I can see my son Jovo when he passes by . "
23 My Aunt Lyallie came to keep my mother company until she recovered a little from the shock , which seemed to have worsened the condition of her eyes , for she was slowly going blind .
24 ( The whole school , including the teachers , always wore their hair loose when they dressed in their best robes . )
25 Mrs Moore welcomes you to her Regency villa where she provides traditional English food in grand surroundings .
26 She unhooked her cloak collar as we had to wait at the outer door of Marcus whilst two porters wheeled out an empty accident trolley .
27 I 've got a friend who recently dyed her hair purple because everyone knows you are n't going to get a decent — not to mention interesting — job with a ‘ punky ’ hairstyle , pierced nose and scruffy clothes , and she wants to stay in college .
28 ‘ Oh , God … ! ’ she choked out thickly , pushing at his shoulders , but he was so strong that she was helpless against that strength , her heart pounding as she felt his hard thighs press closer against her to trap her there .
29 On Sunday at 11pm , Mrs Biky 's basement cavern was still humming with the sound of her sewing machine as she turned out ladies ' dresses and blouses .
30 She had thought she was in love with Giles , but he had never aroused this heady excitement in her , or made her skin tingle when he came anywhere near .
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