Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [be] the [noun] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 The more interesting aspect of its search is the part which finds the whole numbers , the powers of P and R. During the search , Bacon constructs intermediate approximations to the right powers , all of the form i j where i and j are whole numbers .
2 Whether the US would help her or would decide to take her place were the questions which the next Administration would have to decide .
3 Its opening is the key which must unlock the door to rapid decisions on ending 45 years of East-West confrontation , formally as well as in fact .
4 This can not be said of the ‘ Nutter ’ , whose conduct is the exception which proves the rules .
5 Other people who may remember the Secretary of State and write his epitaph are the mothers whose child benefit is still worth £2.15 a week less than it was worth in 1987 for second and subsequent children .
6 The burden which Christian carries on his back is the anvil which Bunyan humped through country lanes , encountering , like Christian , floods and mud and dangers of footpads .
7 For them class is the thing which will unify the diverse and end the polyphonic ethno-babble in the new municipal Tower of Babel .
8 Your major part of your blood is the plasma which carries the carbon dioxide away , the red cells carry the oxygen and the white cells fight disease .
9 West of our site was the Caducius which was thought to be fairly easy to locate as it was marked on the Admiralty Chart .
10 The Our Father is the prayer which Christ himself taught us and it is the best means by which we can communicate with God .
11 Your notebook is the tool which enables you to take any experience , any observation , any physical sensation and turn it into something which can be shared by others .
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