Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I drink my whisky and look out at the inky loch .
2 So the days were unhappy and the nights a bleak nothingness , and although I never actually put a rope around that pulley , nor loaded my shotgun and went out into the field and dug my own grave — as I had visualized so often — nor started my engine in the garage , yet I thought about all three , and on occasions I thought about one or other for days at a time .
3 I took it down from the shelf in my locker and went out of doors .
4 I waited till I heard him go into the bathroom , grabbed all my gear and tiptoed out of the house .
5 I must collect my gear and check out of the hotel …
6 Then I took the bag to my boat and sailed out to sea .
7 Somebody stayed in my room all night and , whether it was my father , Diggs or anybody else , I kept them and me awake all night by lying quiet for a while , feigning sleep , then screaming with all my might and falling out of bed to thrash about on the floor .
8 I had always been appalled by the ease with which men seemed able to separate sex and love and now here was I building a high wall around myself and saying , ‘ I will let you into my body but stay out of my mind . ’
9 Just give me a moment to grip my nose and blow out through my eardrums .
10 ‘ I was putting on my tie and sweating out of my mind . ’
11 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
12 When I am being helped into a bath of hot water , however , I draw in my breath and cry out for her : ‘ Mama !
13 I slid out of bed , put on my dressing-gown and padded out to the tiny landing .
14 I put on my dressing-gown and went out of my room .
15 He shook my hand and strode out of the tavern .
16 But she must have heard me say so , because at seven she came down and said she 'd overlooked this marvellous Stockhausen concert on Two — well , I just put on my coat and flung out of the house …
17 I heard Marcus putting food in my bowl and hurried out to the kitchen .
18 As she picked up her case and walked out of the door , she deliberately did n't look at her husband .
19 Trickles of earth , ridden with worms and insects , fell from their hair and rolled out of slack mouths which formed ‘ O's of suffering .
20 With a hesitant smile she turned away from him , and sipped what was left of her champagne and gazed out of the window .
21 Tokyo is encouraging Japanese companies to increase their research and to move out of Japan into Europe and the United States .
22 It was as though he had read into her mind and gone out of his way to reassure her .
23 A short time later Betty stopped her scrubbing and looked out of the kitchen window .
24 She sat in the dishevelled shabby glamour of her bedroom and stared out of the window for hours at a time .
25 Instead , she rose smartly from her seat and stepped out through the doors as they opened .
26 The very sight of the sign at the head of the platform , shabby and tourist and third class though it was compared with that of the Golden Arrow at the other end of the station , was enough to raise her to a state she had never reached before , and as the train moved south , she sat in her seat and stared out of the window as though in a trance .
27 She slammed the coffee-mug on to the table , put her hand to her mouth and rushed out of the room , taking the stairs two at a time .
28 And then , right in the middle of the Lord 's Prayer , she leapt up and grabbed her bottom and rushed out of the room . ’
29 Slowly Ruth peeled off her vest-top and wriggled out of her shorts .
30 By the time she had finished , she had worked off her aggression and came out of the mikva totally relaxed .
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