Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [adv] [pron] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This was equally true of the teachers , since they , together with the headmaster , could have decided to stop my research whenever they felt it threaten them ; equally , if they had accepted me with open arms it would have meant that the boys would not have trusted me greatly . ’
2 Mrs Copely from the village acts as my housekeeper whenever I need her .
3 than my job then he said I presume you 've got mixed feelings , I said no my feelings are n't mixed up at all , I 'm quite , I 'm quite sure of my feelings of what I know , I said David I would n't associate myself , I would n't drink and I would n't go out with anybody in this building and he nearly fell over and he said dare I ask why ?
4 ‘ And I do n't return night after night to the flat — largely thanks to the fact that I am footloose and fancy-free , I can follow my job wherever it takes me . ’
5 In my , in my day probably someone did it a little bit off that , different
6 I had honestly not thought how you would solve that problem in advance , and I 'm glad I did because my amazement certainly I wanted it to show with the kids when I said ‘ Goodness , what , you know , how on earth are you going to do it that way ? ’ .
7 Everyone was bashing my snowman so I froze it .
8 ‘ One dog jumped up and bit off my ear then they pulled me to the ground .
9 for granddad , well I ca n't get that from the kids and that 's it , that was to my dad so I got him that one in the end
10 If you do n't hear my voice and see my face again I want you to look after yourself .
11 His dark eyes flickered briefly in her direction then he set his mouth in grim lines .
12 So we was talking about things like that and so she she said like selling her car now she told us how much money she made on it .
13 You tape her mouth then you walk her down to the kitchen and down into the cellar .
14 But you 're actually at their desk right you know I 'm here really .
15 You forget we 've got spies , all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you 've been doing er , that 's , that 's how he knew you got your hair done , can we have five pounds , she 's just had her hair permed , the day before he 's just coming in and , no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum 's been out for the day and she 's had her lunch out you cost him a fortune and you say you 've never been anywhere
16 Squeezing her fist together she crumbled it into fine powdery dust .
17 I heard her say to him mum Auntie Alice this morning , she love her cat so I heard her say to him come on then , let's see what mummy 's got for you this morning .
18 She had lost count of the number of times she had slapped his hands from her body whenever he waylaid her outside .
19 Holding her head high she met his gaze , saying simply , ‘ Do n't be silly , dear .
20 When she turned her head away he captured her face between strong hands and made her look at him .
21 oh you should n't let them , er , and the , the thing is somebody else argues on their behalf then they think they can get away with it more
22 If that was a true reflection of their form then I think we can have a good shot at a place in Europe .
23 On their way out they found it nose down in the field .
24 On their way out they found it nose down in the field .
25 No inquiries have been made into the 240 Ulster soldiers who sacrificed their lives for their country instead we see them being framed by our so called police force and left to spend their lives in a prison cell for crimes they did n't commit .
26 Any whatsit worth their salt any what do you call it What is he ?
27 She was suffering from a stiff neck which gave her pain whenever she turned her head .
28 erm fucking indoor murder ball , the seat , cushion and stuff like that , its fucking well out of order piss up games oh that 's right I think we played in , I think we played , you know that British bull dog thing ? , we managed to clear all the fucking the nappy chair this and the chairs out the way , we were playing this British bull dog sort of thing and the only thing , the only , the only difference was when you got caught , got , everybody was fucking giving you a few thumps in the arm , for good measure like , and we played about four of this and every time this cocky little son of a bitch did n't get caught , he was always the last person , so we fucking said , we said , me and this other guy 's that are in our troop and that er , we said right we 'll get him , so when , when everybody sort of go for it right just after the one person in the middle , said fucking just get this guy and fucking pin him down and do something to him right , we did n't , I think we said we 'd just get him , yeah that 's a good idea , so he 's gone right go and his mate he 's fucking took off two steps and there 's eight of us fucking dived on top of him , what the fucking , he 's struggling , get off you cunt so we pinned him down and at first we was just going to de-bag him in front of the women , we 've taken his boots off and his trousers and that and shave his bollocks , yeah the whole fucking yeah , it was like an audience , all that they sort of gathered up the chairs and the tables fuck have his bollocks shaved .
29 It was over , he was unhurt , and it had n't cost him a penny apart from the few pence in his pocket — and as the kidnapping was n't what was eating his heart out he knew he could n't pretend it was .
30 If you can drive his car over I get it , it 's no problem , it seems we might all be talking above ourselves
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