Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [adv] [verb] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 All through my childhood , my body always seemed to be going numb .
2 Both my life and my salary now have to be really well planned .
3 Despite all my hard work , my son still wants to be a train driver and my daughter a nurse .
4 Benjamin and Elizabeth and their family belonged , in effect , to what we might choose to call the ‘ comfortable working class ’ ; they benefited from the general rise in Britain 's prosperity in Victorian times — cheaper food and clothing , better sanitation , faster transport , more substantial housing — but their money still had to be earned , had to be worked for .
5 Her work also began to be recognized by the male-dominated science community , although attempts to join their establishments did not go unopposed .
6 However , there are some important similarities to which attention also needs to be drawn , especially in relation to the second aspect of the definition , what it describes .
7 It is obvious that , not only is it necessary for students with disabilities to have reasonable transport , but that their transport often has to be specially adapted .
8 The best explanation of their incompatibility still seems to be Mommsen 's : divus Marcus is a later gloss .
9 Rainbow and Clint ( OK , her name now appears to be Annie ; that 's all we know so far ) are getting on a treat .
10 We can now not only see why in such sentences one feels an implicit predication with respect to a support but also get a clearer view of why to is used before the infinitive : its role here seems to be simply that of indicating that the infinitive 's support is situated in time before the actualization of the infinitive 's event .
11 Shiona held her for a moment , her anger instantly vanishing to be replaced by a warm , maternal well of love .
12 Here the image that offers to convey something about somebody also strives to protect itself and its subject from that process of narrative unfolding by which portraiture always seems to be accompanied .
13 But their significance also needs to be grasped with respect to the operations of splitting , desire , fantasy , pleasure and paranoia which are deeply implicated in racist discourses , and which may inherently produce dualities and ambivalences in racialized encounters between selves and others .
14 The only excitement in her life now seemed to be the exchange of clothes for hats by Mrs Bretton-Fawcett .
15 Both dogs ' perception of their status therefore had to be redefined .
16 Ruckelshaus is a marked contrast to Burford and her political mentor , the Interior Secretary James Watt , whose attitude often seemed to be that the environment was over-protected .
17 our sales manager , popped the question to ( whose father also happens to be a customer ) and their big day will be sometime in the summer .
18 His campaign now seems to be down to its last card — to brand Mr Da Silva as a dangerous radical who is bent on introducing Stalinist communism into Brazil .
19 His music often appears to be that of gesture rather than thought , he says , but only superficially .
20 The dust allergy means that Will has to be bedded on paper , and his hay always has to be soaked .
21 Speedy could his goal now prove to be the winner ?
22 No wonder Peter lacked confidence and spent all his time merely trying to be amusing in the face of Marc 's uncompromising thirst for excellence !
23 Now his view obviously has to be seriously considered put forward , as it is , by a leader who has the support , when he was elected , of ninety percent of the Party , including ninety percent of the unions .
24 His speech today promises to be one of the most crucial of his nine-month-old presidency .
25 Equally , your murder still needs to be , in so far as you can contrive it without becoming ridiculous , attention-grabbing .
26 Your pond only has to be large enough to catch the returning water .
27 Knowing our love just has to be .
28 The database will grow in size automatically as necessary but the data transfer times will increase if your database continually requires to be extended .
29 But our target really has to be Europe .
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