Example sentences of "[pron] [noun sg] [noun] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I should mention in particular Associate Warden J. Lampert of TDC , and my faculty colleagues at the Criminal Justice Center .
2 Waiting he was in the gold and brown of the Palast , himself immaculate , pink , flashing his smile as he complimented Erika on her appearance and , in her leather coat and with her fur hat at a rakish angle , and her face glowing with health , Erika deserved the compliment .
3 ( 7 ) The possibility of commencing the offer timetable so that the target has to issue its defence document at a difficult time ( eg during a holiday period or a particularly busy time of year for the target ) may secure a tactical advantage ( see para 13.3.3 below ) .
4 Even when the soil is virtually dry , spadefoot toads can remain underground for prolonged periods by maintaining their blood concentration at the correct level .
5 Several mentioned that in recent years the rate of voluntary leaving had decreased so that they were no longer able to rely upon increasing or slowing down the rate of recruitment to maintain their labour forces at the desired level .
6 Some members of the jury wept as they returned their murder verdict at the Old Bailey in March 1988 .
7 In fact , beaming Adam Faith and his wife Jackie looked as chuffed as a couple of kids after celebrating their silver wedding at a top London restaurant .
8 The next morning , from her hotel in the Slavkoský Forest area , she looked out of her bedroom window at the tree-filled hills that surrounded Mariánské Láznë , and had no appetite then either .
10 If the incident reflects badly on the operating practices of pilots , engineers or airlines — for instance , if a dangerous situation arises because the pilots failed to use their check list at the appropriate time or a supervisory engineer fails to double check the work of a mechanic on an important component such as a primary unit in the flying controls — it is unlikely that the matter is going to be reported voluntarily in view of the inevitable consequences of disciplinary action on the part of management or at the very least a ‘ black mark ’ against the offender which will be likely to prejudice his career .
11 Rosie lived with her bachelor brother at the other end of the town .
12 What is even more chilling for the people who have bought their council houses at a discounted price is that they will now be taxed at today 's full value .
13 ‘ And of course , when Madame was still with us I used to enjoy her Tarte Tatin at the eponymous hotel … . ’
14 I greeted fans on their arrival with a shake of the hand and an offer to autograph their match programmes at a reasonable £1.50 a time .
15 ACCESSIBILITY — can the enterprise actually direct its marketing effort at a particular segment , both in terms of product/product development , and marketing mix ?
16 We got Government bastards crawlin' all over us out here with their beggin' bowls at the ready .
17 She was killed on her way home to Warndon , Hereford and Worcester , after spending the day with her husband Adrian at a Territorial Army camp in the Forest of Dean .
18 HESWALL 'S Ian Spencer leads the contingent of north west hopefuls bidding for their tour cards at the annual European School at Montpellier in the south of France from November 13-18 .
19 The Darkfall lightning scratched and flickered with its spider legs at the nearby window … and Duvall kicked savagely at Barbara 's head , spinning her away from Jimmy .
20 So opens Ronald Harwood 's new play , which received its world premiere at the Civic last night at the start of a tour that will take it into London 's West End .
21 YOUNG scientists from Pindar School in Scarborough got a taste of university life as they mugged up their GCSE science at the soon-to-be University of Teesside .
22 There 's this thing from the Bradford and Bingley saying that they 've amalgamated with somebody and erm they 're not publishing their interest rates at the usual times , I do n't think it 's anything world-shattering .
23 In the moonlight Ion Manescu , sitting in the lead vehicle , peered through his snow goggles at the rolling wilderness .
24 Gavin Turk , who attracted notice for erecting , as his only contribution to his degree show at the Royal College of Art a year ago , a blue English Heritage plaque announcing that he had been working in his studio for two years , is having a first exhibition at an apartment in Docklands , opposite Canary Wharf ( 1–31 July ; by appointment only , call 071–274 0041 ) .
25 DING-DUNG BATTLE : Farmer Cannon blasts away with his muck spreader at the wrong target — and the council 's housing department is covered with four tons of smelly slurry
26 He was presented with his Fellowship certificate at the annual convention by president Barry Istid , along with two other long-serving members whose election as Fellows had already been announced — typographical consultant Tom Dawson and former BAIE News editor Valerie Shepard , who now edits BS 's international employee magazine , Shield .
27 A crash behind her made her turn and she saw the enraged old man had hurled his soup dish at the far wall where it hit the pretty paper and ran in thin trickles down onto the pale-grey carpet .
28 George , 50 , had to pay £10 from his prize money at the annual leek show at Northallerton , North Yorks .
29 Mr Bresslaw , who was 59 , collapsed in his dressing room at the Open Air Theatre in Regent 's Park , central London , and died later in University College Hospital .
30 When Andy was fifteen years old he began working during his vacation periods at the local driving range near Bushey in Hertfordshire collecting practice balls .
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