Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] become [adj] that a " in BNC.

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1 It soon became apparent that a crucial factor was the readiness of interviewees to take up areas referred to in the questions .
2 Greeted that evening by our charming host Eduard de Nazelle , Sales Director of Champagne Veuve Cliquot , it soon became clear that a special night lay ahead .
3 It thus becomes clear that an intricate web of mutual dependency existed between the state and private individuals , between the military , the hunters , the peasants , the craftsmen and the merchants .
4 It also became apparent that a means of removing hardness salts in water was necessary , particularly for steam raising boilers .
5 It later becomes clear that a dummy head can produce dramatic results only when recording sounds from close quarters , such as whispers or sound effects .
6 But when the Assembly met for its first session on 5 January 1918 it immediately became clear that a majority of the deputies were hostile to the government and the Assembly was forcibly disbanded .
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