Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb infin] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I came back on the Friday night and erm , well I 've packed my job in at the Transport Department , I better go down to the Recruiting Office and see what else .
2 Can I just stop there for a minute er er is this the best
3 I read about 3.54 , 4.3 and 3.9 , what do they mean , which is best and will it solve the problem or should I just change back to a standard cam ?
4 Erm can I just mention then about the car park and the total cost of it now .
5 Sorry , can I just come back to the car insurance ?
6 But can can I can I just come back to the point that if you were taking the lowest figure , I mean how realistic is it to assume that you could actually hold to that ?
7 Now can I just can I just deal again with the question of public transport ?
8 In paragraphs two onwards , I give the names of the local governments staff commission , erm , what their statutory it is , and can I just point out at the bottom of the page , paragraph five , please remember that the staff commission is advisory and it has in itself no mandatory powers .
9 May I therefore pass on to the Prime Minister the good wishes of all my constituents for his efforts at Maastricht and hope that when he has finished there he will come up to Derbyshire and tell us all about it ?
10 ‘ Should n't somebody else take over at the wheel ? ’ she asked anxiously .
11 ‘ To keep Bones , would you rather go on with the competition ? ’
12 right will you just sit there for a minute while mummy gets to pick the tomatoes oh , oh do n't panic , no-one 's going to run off with you
13 Now , why do n't you just go upstairs like a good little girl and get out of those wet things ?
14 Can you just go back to the picture for a minute ?
15 Did you just help out on a Saturday or
16 Do you build a picture in your head before you play anything or do you just jam around over the backing track and wait for something good to happen ?
17 ‘ Why do n't you just ring through to the hairdresser now ?
18 ‘ Do you still keep in with the great man Dander ? ’
19 Because as says , er , the unconscious is , as a sense , is always hidden , so how do you possibly find out about the unconscious of historical figures that are dead and gone ?
20 When you are feeling worried or anxious do you noticeably eat more as a comfort ?
21 Do n't you ever go down to the hostels or down
22 ‘ Do you ever go out for the day , Joe ? ’
23 Do you ever do you ever go out to the to pubs round here ?
24 Er and could you also comment perhaps on the safeguarding of assets and any er points you would like to make in relation to the present five per cent limit on self investment .
25 Did you both mess around at the end ? ’ 'Well , it 's really very complicated .
26 Would you really play around with a five-year-old 's future just because you have a grudge against me ? ’
27 ‘ I 'm running around saying hey , here is my burn notice , this guy is a loser , and Christ , he is working with the government of Israel , he had already arranged a flight — it 's sort of would you please get out of the way ,
28 Are you the sort who ca n't bear to lose an argument , or to be proved wrong ; or do you mentally creep away from the conflict and experience all its discomfort within yourself .
29 But can you actually go anywhere in a glider ?
30 So when did you actually move on to the flats ?
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