Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb base] the [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My companion and I merely walk the same path as you do . ’
2 And he all but confirmed this was his last match , saying : ‘ I basically feel the same way as I have all year , and although I am not going to announce my retirement , I guess that is it .
3 I only hope the same regulation is as strictly enforced in the rest of Europe .
4 Personally , I much prefer the former approach but having said that wo n't pretend for one minute that I have n't received one hell of a lot of advice from people in the past .
5 ‘ But I just want the same character and fight we showed when we were 3-0 down to Chesterfield .
6 I always keep the same hem-length , ’ said Lili .
7 As a professional I always work the same ground in two separate operations .
8 ’ — and I still have the same name in the telephone directory , ’ snarled Gina .
9 Paul Mellon : The book has n't in any way curtailed my privacy because I still have the same life ; I still have people to answer the telephone ; I still have a private airplane and my travel plans are unannounced ; and I lead my own life .
10 To solve this problem , I now use the same type of staples , but reverse the nail so that the plastic strip is nailed to the skirting upside down , that is , with the open part of the clip facing upward .
11 I even read the same book , Being Happy , that Faldo reads to get my mind in tune but I realise it 's your ability to put those thoughts into practice that counts .
12 So I actually have the same brochure twice .
13 For I too have the same taint of ‘ foolishness ’ upon me as my great-uncle Fred , though I 've so far escaped the anguish of his illness .
14 To cut a long legend short , it 's about the bloody rivalry between two branches of a Hindu royal family — the five Pandava brothers , who all marry the same princess , and the 100 Kaurava brothers .
15 Social feelings arise , too , through identifications with other members of a group who all internalize the same ego ideal .
16 It remains to be seen whether this aspect of TNC proposals will be sufficiently flexible to aid the transition of a section of the population who perhaps deserve the most attention in our common concern to raise levels of achievement and improve the quality of educational provision .
17 If you still get the same error message , contact SST Technical Support .
18 If you were close to the patient before his stroke , and were used to showing him affection by touching and kissing him , and if you still feel the same warmth for him despite his illness , you can help his morale greatly by continuing to behave as before , even if he seems not to respond .
19 If you report something you always get the same reply , nothing wrong when we went round !
20 If you always follow the same procedure when giving a customer change , you are less likely to make mistakes .
21 If you always crave the same food at the same time , change your routine .
22 Well you know , strange things happen You always wear the same size ?
23 You always say the same thing .
24 We have come up against some prejudice in the dressage , but the nice thing is that at the end of the test sheets you often see the same comment from the judge — ‘ What a super pony ! ’ . ’
25 you never get the same amount of time as anybody else .
26 ‘ If we constantly wear the same scent , we become immune to it ’
27 Cos on ours , we just return the same thing that they send
28 And they rang up , and they said were sending you a list of what we expect to be available in the way of food at Christmas because we always have the same thing .
29 We always do the same thing , do n't we ? ’ she said .
30 and outside the porches , to light their number up outside their house , erm people do n't seem to have erm , really changed their ideas very much , we still sell the same type of fitting to people , er the one that goes over the garage doors , on the corner of the , of the house wall , er lanterns er outside the front door with coloured glass in them er things that have been going for
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