Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] down [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , I incautiously sat down in the library in a chair just vacated by Colonel Fagg , and discovered later that the back of my entire uniform was covered in snuff .
2 But the most important thing I thought was the thought process I mean just just saying this while you were just going on I just jotted down in the same way you could come off with three ideas that around and I felt that was that was ideal .
3 He had sounded immensely sad as he spoke , and I wondered if the girl had meant more to him than being merely a casual friend , but I did not like to ask and Maggovertski was clearly disinclined to explain more , so I just stared down at the aerial chart , and I suddenly noticed , in an otherwise empty space beneath an intersection of two air corridors , the tiny island of Murder Cay .
4 I had intended to go to Downing Street , but then I thought I could n't bear it if old Chamberlain came out waving a bit of paper and smiling his death 's head smile , so I just lay down in the park instead .
5 I then went down into the cockpit , where I counted eleven of our best men lying dead .
6 I then bicycled down to the Schools — sat down in my place .
7 Bypassing the entrance to the huge living-room , which looked dim and shadowy in the faint glow from the circular night-lights sunk into the wooden-slat ceiling , she followed the passageway until she came to another flight of steps , which obviously led down to the lowest level of the house .
8 He paused for a while to compose himself then staggered down to the porter 's lodge .
9 There 's that side of things , and I hope that that is changing , alas again too slowly erm I think the Taylor report , which firmly came down on the side of more lay control of schools by parents and members of the community , put up and unanswerable case .
10 She felt such a clown , standing before them with that vulgar object between her open legs , but she slowly sank down towards the disgusting dildo and manipulated her thighs until the blunt tip was nudging at the portals of her reluctant orifice .
11 ‘ It 's all cold , ’ she complains , then two minutes later she 's back eating it like she just sat down at the table .
12 ‘ Mother , she just jumped down from the wall on me like a ton of bricks …
13 He could n't possibly see her in the darkness , but she still shrank down in the seat — then felt her eyes widen when he stripped off his jacket and started to unbutton his shirt .
14 Once , I remember , she even lay down by the garden gate .
15 She swayed to and fro ; she almost slipped down onto the ground beside the dead queen in the mud but Finn kept hold of her no matter how hard she struck at him , lightly clasping her shoulders so that she would not fall .
16 He introduced Whitlock and Sabrina to Bailey who then sat down on the second black leather sofa and took a cigar from his pocket .
17 She felt he was looking at her professionally now : a woman who had only had two cups of coffee for breakfast , who had not gone shopping or taken herself out to lunch as she had planned , who , in the old days , never seemed to waste a minute , who never laid down in the middle of the day and yet was now stretched out on the bed , inert , apathetic , openly admitting that she had n't realised the time .
18 ‘ Don and I were near the top , ’ Steve explains , ‘ but we just saw down in the snow and Don pulled out a bottle of booze .
19 We also went down into the valley , into , we were on the edge of the Rift Valley , and there there were a different sort of people .
20 Others hated and ignored them , saying they only came down to the city to steal .
21 They finally came down on the side of 36-year-old Anne Bancroft , although she had seldom played comedy , having made her name in such powerful dramas as The Miracle Worker and The Pumpkin Eater .
22 When they finally sat down to the meal it was Moran himself who brought McQuaid back into the day .
23 Before the worst was over and the pound began to depreciate again , some twenty per cent of them had gone for ever , and a further ten per cent were so weakened that they too shut down in the next two years .
24 From that point on he only went down to the hospitals ‘ as and when required ’ .
25 Before her astonished eyes he calmly sat down in the chair at the opposite side of the desk .
26 He often stole down to the kitchen when he felt like that .
27 He now smiled down into the wet , tear-stained face , saying , ‘ You 're going to be all right .
28 He immediately lay down on the ground next to the tomb , and looked fast asleep .
29 He immediately sank down into the mud .
30 However , he then backed down in the face of sustained UDF opposition to such a move ( the ruling Parti socialiste requiring UDF support if such a rejection were to go through ) .
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