Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] that [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I initially thought that all countries would be affected by the statement that you need to build military arsenals to keep the populations employed .
2 And this ‘ vague altruism ’ apparently permeated up to the highest levels in government : for example , Neville Chamberlain , who had been a leading figure in the pre-war National Government 's denial of the problem of child malnutrition , was so shocked by the stories of the children 's condition that he commented to his sister , ‘ I never knew that such conditions existed , and I feel ashamed of having been so ignorant of my neighbours .
3 Barama , which initially denied that any Indians inhabited the area , has begun road construction and plans also to build a sawmill and plywood factories .
4 She further declared that any charges of heresy against Pole would be heard in England , announcing in words ironically reminiscent of her father 's that : ‘ she would in observance of the laws and privileges of her realm , refer them [ the charges ] to the cognisance and decision of her own ecclesiastical courts . ’
5 Mrs Ross tells me that she later discovered that several years earlier near Paisley signal box two trains had collided with loss of life .
6 She also wrote that most parts of Herefordshire and Somerset were very ‘ fruitful of orchards ’ .
7 With meticulous footnoting , she now argued that all plots and revolutions against the social order in human history had been caused by secret societies , through the use of black magic , mass hypnotism and telepathy .
8 Her blue eyes were overbright , and she immediately regretted that those words had burst out of her .
9 We quickly found that few places would let us play so we started looking round for alternatives .
10 I hoped that the walk was the pleasant relaxation they always claimed that these expeditions were .
11 They also discovered that more women than men were classified as having a disability , and that the rate of disability and the number of disabilities suffered increased with age .
12 They also demonstrated that such differences in hypertension were present in the prediabetic state .
13 They also found that most women find greatest satisfaction from employing vibrators to the outer extremities of the vulva , rather than in deeper penetration .
14 Some staff added other minor errors or disagreements but it soon emerged that some departments did not think that the report was fair and they criticized the general conclusion relating to their department .
15 But he soon learned that such bribes and blandishments would not help his case .
16 He always said that these documents needed immediate decisions .
17 It also showed that many companies remained ignorant of relevant environmental legislation at national and EC level .
18 It also showed that these consequences occur not only in those who are severely injured , but also for the very many people who suffer minor injury or are uninjured .
19 He also said that most Westerners laugh at these ideas .
20 He also feared that many businesses had already built redundancies into their plans for the coming year .
21 He also stressed that all valuables , including cash , ancient guns and swords , had been removed from the fort following a major burglary two years ago .
22 He also stressed that these goals were not those of the US alone , for " they had been endorsed by the UN Security Council five times in as many weeks " and were shared by numerous countries , many of which assisted the international military effort against Iraq .
23 He also knew that these tensions could be turned to his advantage , for their existence provided an internal " threat " which fully justified his permanence as guarantor of the nation 's stability and integrity .
24 It surely meant that those detectives did n't think that the madman had done it .
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