Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] [det] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Grant Hall Hotel was next door to Zion United Church where I still spent many weekday evenings in boys ' work , and it was now handy to finish at the church and then cross over to the radio station for the late night shift .
2 I then tucked some heuchera flowers between the foliage .
3 I then drew some gold lines between the square apertures to give some definition and help separate the four designs .
4 It was his support which perhaps influenced both Wilson rackets and View From clothing to sponsor her .
5 You just mentioned these salt ladies coming round .
6 Since peasants who still possessed any seed reserves or livestock were excluded from relief , they were compelled to sell them off in some cases in order to survive .
7 We also included some women workers from the canteen and a cousin of one of the miners .
8 We later learned that car ferries only arrived some ten years before and the novelty of owning , polishing and servicing cars has not yet been outgrown .
9 We never had this problem years ago , I mean it 's only do-gooders who stopped the stuff we used to use years ago which was a reasonable price , who 's caused all these problems .
10 With five regulars missing they rarely tested former colleague Woods in the Wednesday goal and it was Sheridan , another of Hillsborough 's former Forest contingent , who set them on the way to victory .
11 By this good turn the bishop won the hearts of all , and the people began to listen more readily to his teaching , hoping to obtain heavenly blessings through the ministry of one to whom they already owed these material benefits ; Eddius Stephanus then pointed out that those ungrateful enough not to convert willingly did so at the king 's command .
12 The new military authorities in Ciskei immediately declared themselves in favour of reintegration into South Africa ; they also announced that trade unions , banned under Sebe , would be allowed to function .
13 Edward 's second and third brothers , Ernest and Theodore , have recorded how occasionally they too shared these nature explorations and fishing expeditions in the London woodlands and around Swindon .
14 It also revealed that Third-World countries spent about US$16,000 million on acquiring new arms in 1989 — less than in any year since 1976 .
15 Beatty , on the other hand , was making $450,000 a picture by then and was shooting Bonnie and Clyde with Gene Hackman and Faye Dunaway which turned Beatty into a multi-millionaire overnight because he also prised some percentage points from the backers .
16 He also urged that hospital wards be vacated and thoroughly cleansed every four months , that iron beds be used , that patients be washed on admission and dressed in clean clothes and that their own clothing be cleaned before discharge , that infectious patients be denied admission , that patients with offensive sores and surgical patients be placed in separate rooms , that hospitals remain uncrowded , that the windows of each ward be opened daily , and that infirmaries remove patients to country houses for recovery .
17 He also designed several air pumps .
18 Even at this size it completely outclassed most Rutland villages , quite two-thirds of which had populations of fewer than 150 .
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