Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [vb past] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The frontispiece from a copy of the music from the Peer Gynt suite by Grieg was a beautiful piece of artwork even before it was decorated , so I only arranged some flowers in two of the corners , rather than all the way round , which would have overpowered the original design .
2 and just fell over and I just saw this thing in the corner of my eye
3 With the Germans , I just spent two years in Auschwitz . ’
4 I ALREADY reviewed this back in July but now that it 's finally been given a British release ‘ Perfect Day ’ will , in time , be seen as a perfect moment from MFS 's classic period , alongside excursions from Cosmic Baby , Microglobe and Mind Gear .
5 With five and even three elements I always had one element in the centre .
6 I always had this thing in the back of my mind that I 'd like to be Head Gardener at Killerton one day , because of the type of garden it is , because of its size and because of the plant content .
7 I was at home then and er I also had two rooms in a private boarding house
8 Journalistically , I now had more status in the little Gazette office .
9 I was enjoying Oxford so much that I sometimes forgot that moment in Clare 's bedroom when I made my decision about my future vocation .
10 I then received two shocks in quick succession .
11 I then bought some dittany in the fine , covered , nineteenth-century market .
12 I never had one bone in it , have you ?
13 It was when he attempted to argue , ‘ I would n't be bothered if I never had another ride in the National , ’ that he began to give himself away .
14 I never saw any signs in her eyes , but then again , maybe I was n't looking .
15 With me being a football fan , Leeds Utd to be more specific , I never took much interest in tennis .
16 I recently lost three stone in weight and wondered how else I could improve myself and I was lucky in that I had had a mastectomy for a cancer about seven years ago , so I went ahead and had breast reconstruction .
17 One man was outside , two were sitting inside , the men were completely black , so black trousers , black hats and they had a black cape over it , over their faces so you could n't see who they were , and one of them just had this gun in his hand , and fired at this Citroen here located .
18 which effectively determined this case in the courts below and it is the law as so stated which the appellant prosecutor now challenges as an unwarranted judicial gloss upon the statutory language , as opposed to a legitimate construction of it .
19 A new system was needed which would avoid these contradictions and which so unified existing rights in land as to ‘ enable shifts of value to operate within the same ownership ’ .
20 Not only that , but post-revolutionary France would have represented atheism at worst , Catholicism at best ; little wonder that a good Baptist lad , fired by an upsurge of patriotism which temporarily united all Englishmen in opposition to a common foe , should have joined the struggle .
21 In particular , there was the emergence of writing through the distinctive script called cuneiform , developed in Mesopotamia during the first three millennia BC , all within the framework of a civilization which also generated important advances in pottery and metal-working .
22 The South African Argus Group , which also had extensive interests in South Rhodesia , came north in 1951 and bought Welensky 's Northern News , turning it into a daily in 1953 .
23 However , the unwanted takeover bid for Imperial did materialise , as had been rumoured , from Hanson Trust ( subsequently renamed Hanson ) , the largest conglomerate company in the UK , which also had substantial interests in the US .
24 This comment was made in Cairo at the beginning of a visit to the region which also involved tense discussions in Israel [ see p. 37760 ] .
25 It also includes the history of the theatre , which originally housed 3,300 seats in four galleries , including 195 boxes .
26 South towards Stroud , passing Quedgeley and Hardwicke is the little village of Standish , which originally had four mills in its vicinity .
27 On Nov. 16 Agudat Yisrael , a small four-member ultra-orthodox religious party , joined the ruling coalition , which now held 64 seats in the 120-member Knesset .
28 Denis Healey soon saw himself in the role of bridge-builder between the West German government ( which particularly feared any decline in the credibility of nuclear deterrence ) and McNamara who hoped to avoid the first — or at least the early — use of nuclear weapons .
29 The War drained men from many schools which then experienced great difficulty in maintaining staffing levels .
30 Improvements in the snowmaking technology both in the USA and Europe mean that the high levels of humidity which previously hampered artificial snowmaking in Scotland can be overcome .
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