Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [prep] if [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 I sat there silent for a moment while he went on looking at me sympathetically as if I 'd been telling him a hard-luck story .
2 For the present , in the daytime , he was abruptly fed up with the lot : himself , his insufficiency , the toll that his financial state seemed to be taking of his wife , and the colossally polite head of his stepson , hanging over him now as if it had a miniature keg of brandy around its neck .
3 He kissed her lingeringly as if he had all the time in the world and she felt a shudder run through her at the response he was forcing from her with so little effort .
4 Maggie had said nothing and he eyed her warily as if he had been warned to watch his step .
5 You know that I would do it properly for if I had to .
6 Whereupon he tried it stante pede , shoved the stool away and played standing at the organ , at the same time working the pedal , and doing it all as if he had been practising it for several months .
7 My dear , he was holding it exactly as if it had been a squashed blackbeetle , and I knew he 'd been criticizing me all evening .
8 Paul knew Nathan , as a rule , and would talk to him in a slurred voice ; Nathan had a notebook and pencil ready , and would jot down any thoughts that came , going through them afterwards as if they had been jewels .
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