Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] had the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The obvious introductions were made , and what ensued was to bring more pleasure to Repton than any job he had ever done — ‘ such a specimen of my art , ’ he wrote of his work at Sheringham , ‘ as I never before had the opportunity of displaying ’ .
2 I suppose I got more bullied into it through me family really , to get off it , so I never really had the push to come off it .
3 I never really had the drive or the ambition to go any further .
4 She no longer had the money to make ends meet .
5 We never even had the courage to send De Gaulle a copy of one of our books . ’
6 They had lost significance for her yet still had the power to bring her to the verge of tears , reminding her of what they had once meant : of one Easter when the scent had been a gift , of autumn afternoons when she had taken her baby in a pushchair from one to another of the now disappeared junk shops , buying Victorian china , pieces of old lace and old books , looking forward to the future .
7 I could n't believe that he just about had the audacity to phone this guy up .
8 Maria Filippa understood his lassitude , condoned his inertia ; and for that he felt an overwhelming gratitude , because he knew other wives who would have grown impatient with such a husband , who had begun so promising , so full of the future and then … what with headaches , lack of nerve , had found he no longer had the energy , the stomach for getting on .
9 He no longer had the strength to yell instructions to the men on the catamaran .
10 Even Ipuky could not arrange for him to see this body , and he no longer had the cachet of officialdom with which to browbeat the embalmer .
11 A formal party vote might not be necessary to remove him : senior members of his party might make it clear to the Prime Minister that he no longer had the confidence of the parliamentary party ( as , in a sense , happened with Churchill in 1955 ) , or the lack of support might become clear as the result of a Commons vote ( as in 1940 , when Chamberlain obtained a drastically-reduced majority in a vote of confidence ) .
12 And he no longer had the photograph .
13 Such an uninspiring vista to bring so much heartache , and she found now that the sight of it no longer had the power to hurt her .
14 On June 3 , 1990 , the national committee of the Social Democratic Party voted to suspend the party 's constitution because it no longer had the membership or popular support to continue as a democratic national party .
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