Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [pron] can [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Then , from Riva , ‘ You 're either going to have to get a tissue out of my skirt pocket and wipe my nose for me , or untie me so I can do it myself . ’
2 Come on Shel , come the other side of me so I can get you both
3 Alright , in fact , my handset is just on ringing external , I do n't want Hilary to be bothered with any internal calls of mine , I 've got a call log if anyone calls me , I know they 've called me so I can call them back anyway .
4 When she s finished combing , she puts the mirror on the table in front of me so I can see myself .
5 Basically the system is our cover note book control , er , we issue cover note books to agents and it 's up to us to make sure that they 're all issued in sequence , as their legal documents etc , and a minute a gap comes up we have to chase them etc , it 's run by erm , people quite low units and they scared of a job and tend to put it off as lose , and I want to visit and try and influence them so I can give them some help and to change it and bring it up to date , because it 's er .
6 ‘ If you put them together you can take them apart again . ’
7 If you are sent incomprehensible bumf , find someone locally who can translate it into readable English . )
8 Repairs can be undertaken by a good skilled boot repairer , but if you have difficulty finding someone locally you can send your boots or shoes to Shoecare at Preston .
9 Trade credit is an unsecured loan given to someone so they can use it to buy your goods and services .
10 ‘ There is someone here who can answer your question better than I can , ’ he said .
11 One stockbroking source said last night : ‘ There are a certain number of people who have already said : ‘ Listen , if I 'm going to get clobbered , I would rather be transferred , or maybe I could find someone else who can transfer me . ’
12 Well I will now put the resolution to the meeting those in favour would they raise their hands thank you those against there is nobody so I can declare it carried unanimously .
13 My colleagues and I look forward to discussing with you ways in which together we can help your organisation fulfil that role during the decade ahead .
14 If you can tell me which region Hertfordshire is in , or Berkshire is in , I will find somebody else who can tell you it 's in a different region .
15 So I says I tell you what I 'll do , I 'll take you only he can drive it .
16 Take that microphone with you so we can hear what your doing !
17 If you 're gon na run a business , you need to know what charges are coming on board you so you can adjust your rates so you
18 Are you going to just have them in front of you so you can flick your eyes up and down to remind yourself what you 're next going to say ?
19 Erm , my Lord I do n't think it 's necessary to go through the rather complicated headland potentially gives you though I can see it from the er .
20 And whether that price is worth paying is something only you can tell us .
21 and er I bloody , I said , I said in the end I 've , what we ought to do is lop some part of their anatomy off , like a little digit or something then we can prove they 've been in
22 So why not make things hard for yourself and send for the full Just Desks catalogue or call in at our showrooms and see everything else we can offer you .
23 But erm the doctors have told me really I can do whatever I want to straight away virtually you know , and erm I 'll just give it another week or two weeks before I start practising erm and you know , I 'm very fit now .
24 Is there anybody near who can hear us ? ’
25 Is there anywhere I can powder my nose ? ( meaning : ‘ I need a toilet ’ )
26 ‘ You think by keeping me here you can drive me wild with need . ’
27 " Then if you wo n't take him willingly you can take him the other way .
28 And these are just sort of piling up together well they they can all be if we choose it right we can make it usually make it one .
29 I do n't know why , yeah and I think he feels as though you , he says well if you decorate it right you can blend it in with the wallpaper
30 Some football lovers might wish they ca n't find it so we can have our outstanding memories of Maradona at his supreme best .
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