Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adj] get [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 What am I most likely to get out of this if I do it ?
2 Ca n't think what took you so long to get around to it , old chap , ’ Aubrey said .
3 These patients can experience many kinds of problems when in a different environment such as increased stiffening of the back and limbs due to lack of exercise because they find it so difficult to get out of the hospital chair ; and incontinence for the same reason .
4 Did he think it more important to get back to his life work ?
5 With the onset of the government 's new community care policies , many women will find themselves playing the traditional role of carers without payment and will consequently find it more difficult to get out to work .
6 The technique of reflecting back helps the interaction : ‘ Let me see : have I understood you right , that your son left home before his marriage ? ’ 'Do you find it really hard to get on with her then ? ’
7 Is it particularly difficult to get in as a chemist , for example ?
8 She found it very difficult to get out of bed , so we moved life to centre it in the bedroom .
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