Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] [not/n't] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It hoped that the involvement of neutral states like Austria , Sweden and Switzerland — all of whom obviously did not see membership as compromising their neutrality — would persuade the Soviet Union that the new association was sufficiently politically innocuous for Finland to be able to join it in the not too distant future .
2 It follows that I expressly do not give judgement at any figure at this stage but indicate merely what the findings are which I have made and what the sums which those findings lead to , are .
3 I personally do not have time for delays in this operation , and my approach has been ratified at the highest levels .
4 I just have n't got time for you , do you understand ? ’
5 There 's been so much on this week I just have n't had time to get the details of the contract finalised . ’
6 Channell remembered a curious phone call from him — not an everyday occurrence , and Channell was on respectful tenterhooks — — in which the president began : ‘ I just do not understand Tip O'Neill .
7 ‘ And he ended by saying , Spitz , I just do n't understand Tip O'Neill . ’
8 Oh I see , yes , yes , I , huh , yes I would do , I , I , I would say in quite definitely that these words are inspired by such a such artist and , make it quite clear that I 'm a writer and not a , I , I , I do n't study art or I just do n't understand science and painting and , and its my responses to that , yes .
9 He said cos I used to keep the house tidy he said I 've been the in the army June an he said I can I can run a household he said but we and then working the shifts I do he said and go up the horses and that he said I just do n't get time to do it !
10 I just do n't like marzipan , I think it was something that to do when I was a kid to be honest
11 I just do n't like failure . ’
12 But , when I was asked to go on a demonstration years ago , I did n't because I just do n't see gender as a problem .
13 That 's why I have a manager and people to do things for me , because some things I just do n't have time to do myself .
14 All I knew by then was that I just did n't want change . ’
15 ‘ Idiotic of me , really , but I just did n't have time to ask . ’
16 Yes , to be fair Jenny came in er , on Friday to talk to me about it , but I just did n't have time , I was rushing off to a meeting so I 've
17 Yeah , I , I could n't , I just did n't have time .
18 Not that I mean it to be a breathless race , but rather that I somehow do n't see life in an ordinary manner , not even this sere and monotonous existence in Africa ; granted , it browns me off sometimes , but I do pretty well on the whole ; and if I can still enjoy this incredibly austere and disciplined life , how much more shall we not enjoy life together ?
19 I still have n't found time to take a proper walk over there , ’ she added , indicating the expanse of formal parkland stretching out below them .
20 no they do at the Samuel Beckett , it 's the and okay , it 's a good new Embassy advert but I still do n't smoke Embassy because they 're horrible .
21 I still do n't see Lucker but then I do n't want to any more because I feel guilty .
22 The boy answered , ‘ No sir , I really have n't had time because I 've been so busy working . ’
23 ‘ No — I really have n't had time . ’
24 Essex News , I really have n't had time to look through it erm , but there 's rather a nice little bit which I must read .
25 I really do n't think rescue is a good idea , ’ he said .
26 I really do n't have time for this . ’
27 Now , I 'm a very busy man , and I really do n't have time to stand here listening to you any longer . ’
28 I really do not think bargaining is your line .
29 I simply have n't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove — I 'd rather be out playing with the children or getting out and about , but I do try to make sure we eat well . ’
30 I simply have n't had time to copy out what I 've found .
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