Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I keep thinking , well shall I colour it again or shall I just go for that bit there ?
2 I just worry about that song because I do n't wan na be any part of kids thinking drugs are cooler than they are , 'cos they 're not for everybody .
3 No that , I I just walk like that Sir , they 're suede , they 're a special way of walking .
4 Actually just just quickly er I just noticed on that list of your questionnaires that we got back a couple that they did n't actually know what was going on .
5 Could I just respond to that Chairman
6 Whilst we 're er whilst we 're waiting for her can I just look at that book please ?
7 I just mentioned with that microphone .
8 One of these entered the popular literature and is still repeated by journalists , despite the fact that Hugh McClean , who , in admitting his part in the Shankill UVF killings , is supposed to have said : ‘ I am terribly sorry I ever heard of that man Paisley or decided to follow him ’ , later denied making such a statement to the police .
9 My mother , too , was a science teacher and I was good at science , and I always continued with that line because partly of the family background and partly of my own interests .
10 We 've broken up , I 've been heartbroken through bizarre circumstances … but I still live with that person .
11 I also realised at that time that the future had little meaning for me .
12 I 'm not sure , but I just thought , I 'm just paying for someone else to go on that holiday .
13 If that is so , I would then say that by the time you get to the modification stage and the County Council has published a proposal for the general location , I therefore think at that stage the need for the criterion has disappeared , so it may be that the approved policy will not need to contain such criteria .
14 I never wrote to that box number .
15 I never thought of that angle . ’
16 I never tire of that view .
17 You see , if somebody just come to that corner
18 The report will be used by the Woolwich instead of the mortgage valuation report as it includes all the information which usually appears in that report .
19 What is more they appear to have done it , whether in small discussion groups , or the concerts and parties she helped to get under way to celebrate the ending of the war , which also came in that year .
20 He now watched Mick follow Carrie to the door way that led into the scullery , and he found himself also stepping in that direction , until he could take in the whole of the scullery and the open backyard door through which Mr Carver was now passing , saying as he did so , ‘ Ta-rah , then . ’
21 Likewise with his existential emphasis , which closely relates to that humanism .
22 How superior she suddenly felt to that woman in the bed , the woman whom she had so long admired , even idolised , but who knew little of human nature after all .
23 So you better count along that way for how many ?
24 You wander in , you pay your ninety P , and I say If you just go through that door please , and the next minute I 'm out at the bar as well saying What would you like to drink ?
25 can you just watch for that lovey cos you 're talking .
26 ‘ Then , doctor , ’ said Silver , ‘ you just step outside that stockade , and when you 're there , I 'll bring the boy down on the inside .
27 Martin said , ‘ Will you just look at that child ? ’
28 ‘ Are you still thinking about that nutcase at the exhibition ? ’ he queried slowly , his expression darkening .
29 Next February will you still live with that priority .
30 You usually look at that person , and when you coming to the end of your your your speel , you sort of look at the one person .
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