Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] be [adj] [prep] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I said I wish I could because I I I am sorry for your situation .
2 He got to know the players of bluegrass music with which he was familiar from his youth and listened to blues singers like Big Bill Broonzy .
3 He had reached that stage of drunkenness in which he was astonished by his own cleverness and the others were egging him on .
4 But it is she who has created an atmosphere in which it is possible for her most senior minister to be publicly rubbished while she escapes without blemish or stain .
5 There are some solutions of the equations of general relativity in which it is possible for our astronaut to see a naked singularity : he may be able to avoid hitting the singularity and instead fall through a " wormhole " and come out in another region of the universe .
6 Given that she is now at this moment incapable of giving or refusing a consent to the treatment which it is necessary in her interests , perhaps to save her life and certainly to advance her cure , I do not find myself satisfied that the refusal is a continuing one , evincing a settled intention on her part to persist in it and accepting , as I do , the father 's evidence that she would rather have blood than die , I declare that it shall be lawful for the hospital , in the circumstances prevailing , to administer blood to her , that being in her best interests .
7 This produces a representation of a potential event ( that of the infinitive ) coinciding in time with another potentiality ( non-asserted dare or need ) , on which it is dependent for its actualization .
8 ‘ Are you telling me you were concerned for my soul ? ’ she mocked .
9 ‘ But she told me she was pregnant with your baby ! ’
10 ‘ And I assure you I 'm impressed by your confidence in your own abilities .
11 Your Lordship will smile I trust at the progress your loving son is making for the Company ; to whom we are beholden for our wherewithal and our signal progress in this land .
12 I shall say to him you was rude to my mother-in-law and
13 She could n't tell him she was afraid of their lives becoming more entwined .
14 She did n't tell him she was embarrassed by her forty-one-year-old body , did n't tell him that his youth made her feel old .
15 When I first spoke to her she was well into her second week , and her personal weather was changing .
16 I told him it was important to my defence to know if the old man had been blindfolded .
17 She reached up to kiss him , and as he held her to him he was aware of her slender nakedness beneath the ivory silk robe .
18 The doctors told me he was unimproved by his stay with them .
19 Cleaning the muck off it I was delighted with my discovery .
20 And before you realize it you 're halfway through your interview , and you think , Oh God .
21 I take it you are familiar with our songs and the aloof sophistication with which we present them … well , kindly desist from cavorting like a chimp with a roman candle up its arse and get on with it !
22 Still she could n't feel sad ; if anything she was angry at his deceitful slipping away .
23 ‘ While a smile brightens up everyone 's looks , scientists also tell us it is good for our health because chemicals are produced which actually cheer us up , ’ said toothbrush makers Oral B , which organised the survey .
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