Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I do nt think so Steve , I 've just had mail from the postmaster at Oxford telling me I ca n't send mail , and to subscribe to the list ! !
2 ‘ Put it like this : if you ever leave me I 'll probably commit hara-kiri with a blunt penknife . ’
3 And then there are those than whom I would rather have mice , and into this latter category fall the Molesworths . ’
4 ‘ For good reasons which you may or may not understand , I desire to remain here in the wilderness away from those to whom I may inadvertently bring catastrophe .
5 If I were them I would nt sell Hodge .
6 At the same time yes I I 'll happily give way to the honourable gentleman .
7 Can I I ca n't mention names can I ?
8 Erm I would n't mind actually I I ca n't drink milk actually I 'm it 's okay I did say but yeah yeah yeah so so just black no sugar that 'd be lovely thanks .
9 I I would n't eat marmalade anyway .
10 I 'd like the people of Cambridge city to know that we do care about the people that are in dire situations financially and that we realise we we have got a problem in housing in the city and that maybe we should be saying no matter what 's going on nationally , that locally we want to pinpoint our social housing towards those people that we feel are financially less off and in more unfortunate situations erm get ghetto creation has been mentioned and I I would n't consider council houses to be ghetto .
11 Well there were one or two that was a bit , got on their high horse , you know and say , It 's disgusting and that , but er I never did because er in cases like that I think there but for the grace of God , you know I I would n't condemn people , in those , we were living in very abnormal times you see .
12 And I I would simply draw attention to paragraph two of that report er in the second last sentence in the paragraph it says Well I 'd better actually read the er the whole paragraph .
13 And I was never one really to ask questions , I I dare n't ask questions , I used , people told me things , that was it .
14 I think if I make a cake today I I 'd rather put sultanas in .
15 ‘ You could have , after all , been stranded with someone you 'd never set eyes on — someone who was n't the least bit hospitable .
16 At last there occurred , suddenly , a most strange event which I shall never forget ad which astonished me : the little girl flung her arms round my neck ad in a rush began kissing me frenziedly .
17 Editor , — There is scarcely an assertion in Richard Smith 's editorial about the General Medical Council ( GMC ) with which I would not take issue .
18 There was some sort of monitor with dials which I could n't make head nor tail of , two drip stands with tubes — one lot going up her nose , the other into her arm — and her right leg was coated in plaster and suspended in mid air by a pulley contraption on which the Spanish Inquisition probably held the patent .
19 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
20 The main topic of the evening will be the choice of subjects from S3 to S6 , about which you will also find information in the accompanying booklet .
21 The Starlet holds over 200 CDs which you can just punch buttons to play .
22 It is , for the viewer , the perfect world through which you can even make friends .
23 These machines , which are comparatively new to the domestic market , have jog/shuttle dials with the aid of which you can rapidly pinpoint edits by playing the tapes back and forth at any speed you like from single-frame and slo-mo to five or more times faster than normal .
24 The Prime Minister announced on Nov. 26 that some months earlier the Queen had asked him to consider the basis on which she might voluntarily pay tax on her personal income and also take responsibility for certain payments to additional members of the royal family ; the Prince of Wales had made a similar request with regard to the Duchy of Cornwall .
25 But a wallet would contain all sorts of personal items which she could n't get hold of .
26 The intellect merely helps us choose the means by which we may best achieve ends dictated by our instincts .
27 Early English pop was riddled with homosexuality and that sensibility which we would now call camp — partly this was due to homosexual familiarity with those areas of human activity which were now being exploited , and partly to the early music industry 's seedy beginnings on the fringes of established showbusiness .
28 And it has solved the problem of accommodating Bach 's tessitura , which often extends beyond the capabilities of violin and viola , in an ingenious manner of which we might easily imagine Bach himself to have approved .
29 reporter to erm again join with him in beating the drum formally so that it moves on the A twelve and the other issues was over , something which we can easily draw attention to civil servant and of
30 These fundamental rights are variously described and vindicated by a variety of philosophical arguments to which we can not do justice here .
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