Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [vb past] be up to " in BNC.

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1 The King 's mail never seemed to catch up with him , and now I did n't want Charlie to find out what I had been up to until I had the chance to witness his reaction for myself .
2 Nutty changed , and felt obliged to confess to her parents what she had been up to .
3 Over the first course I made the usual polite inquiries about Sally 's new job and asked her what she had been up to for the last half-dozen years or so .
4 ‘ I ca n't think , ’ said Betty , looking suspiciously at Lydia , as though wondering what she had been up to while her own attention had been elsewhere .
5 So he did n't know what she 'd been up to .
6 What you did was up to you , was n't it ?
7 Perhaps it was that , or frustration , or , more probable still , a queer kind of prudery — he would rather his mother thought him a brute than realize what we had been up to — that made him hit me .
8 He had been let down several times , they had done all sorts of things without asking him , and sometimes he only found out what they 'd been up to when the papers rang for comment .
9 She could n't care less what he had been up to , but quite suddenly it had become imperative that she steer the conversation away from herself and divert the interest he was showing in her .
10 ‘ She 'd have been more than concerned if she 'd known what he 'd been up to over the previous few weeks ! ’ said Harris drily .
11 So that was what he 'd been up to in Berlin , Loretta thought .
12 He kicked his holdall out of the way and flopped down on to the sofa , quite exhausted by whatever he had been up to since the day he left .
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