Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [am/are] going to [be] " in BNC.

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1 And er I I you are going to be in thee and I going to thee in you .
2 Well certainly not in the period during which we 're going to be discussing the various submissions , er un un at the E I P , now Mr Heselton , erm in a way your comments yesterday would probably be taken that Selby could cope , or would be prepared to cope , even with additional development , now you better sa tell me whether that 's true or false , and I 'm thinking particularly of that element of Greater Sel , of Selby which is in Greater York .
3 Clearly hospitals must respond to the changing patterns of disease with which they are going to be faced .
4 So be careful to make sure you find your number on the timetable and know where you 're going and who you 're going to be with .
5 So I think first of all we need to , need to introduce what the charity is and who , who they 're going to be benefitting .
6 Judging by the thickness of the file in front of me we are going to be working together for some little time yet .
7 I do n't think I 've got many left in me and this is the one I 'm going to be doing everything to make sure we qualify .
8 T : I 've got a lot more respect for them now because I met one of them at a party once and he told me they 're going to be bigger than The Beatles — in all seriousness .
9 Now the face when you look at them they 're going to be very pale , cold and clammy the eyes well , erm , unless they 're really into concussion they 're possibly normal .
10 Choose a number of the children to leave the room and tell them they are going to be in a competition .
11 He does n't know where you 've told him you 're going to be does he ?
12 And what challenges are you going to meet you see to boost your ego , because if you do n't boost it you 're going to be in trouble .
13 I mean , look , okay , look at these two bars of chocolate that you 've got , there re , looking at it they 're going to be a about the same price , you 're not going to find one ten times as dear as the other , are you ?
14 Actually , I have n't decided what I 'm going to be doing with Pickerage on Sunday .
15 ‘ My mother was a virgin on her wedding night , and that 's what I 'm going to be , ’ she said firmly .
16 So I make appointments with myself , where I 've got , you 'll see there , eight days where for two hours that 's what I 'm going to be doing .
17 ‘ Along , no doubt , with such minor matters as pay , rations , scope of your responsibilities and what you are going to be called .
18 He fields a steady stream of enquiries , not only from visitors — ‘ You never know what you are going to be asked next ’ — but from the growing number of researchers aware of his expertise and experience .
19 Do you know what you 're going to be doing in five years time ?
20 The sixty five who said no does it worry you that you do n't know or is that quite exciting that you do n't know what you 're going to be doing ?
21 I know what you 're going to be like when you 're old , Robert . ’
22 Right , let's summarize where we 've got to , and what you 're going to be doing .
23 Particularly if you 're involved in different activities , different project work , colour coding because it appeals to the right side of your brain , erm , whereas a lot of what you 're going to be doing , I assume , is going to be fairly brained activity , erm , could , could work very well for you .
24 So , that 's what you 're going to be getting
25 What we are going to be doing is trying to explain that series , right that er consumption series .
26 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
27 It 's just that what we 're going to be doing for the next few weeks means you 're going to have to be very open with me , and Quincx to a degree .
28 So essentially , what we 're going to be doing are going through er the lessons that are actually outlined in page eight and page nine of your booklet .
29 And I 'm just going through what we 're going to be doing whe on the training day itself , or the assessment day .
30 And wh why that 's happening is really what we 're going to be spending the evening on , and it 's related to international trade .
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