Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] would [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'll have to eat together , ’ I said in a doleful tone which I knew would upset my mother as much as the vision which my remark would conjure up .
2 While I was at Cambridge , I began to follow a rule of life which I hoped would prepare me for the priesthood .
3 The employment reserve of which I spoke would help them to contribute to society and to their personal future and well-being .
4 Work out beforehand the sort of person you think would be most suitable for the job and tell the interviewer which personal qualities you have which you feel would suit you to the job .
5 ‘ It may be that you will come across information which you think would interest me .
6 Just before midnight she got up and swallowed two aspirins with some water which she hoped would calm her down .
7 Not to thank you , I mean — and Rose — oh , dear … ’ and her face crumpled , but the steely resolution which lay beneath her outward charm prevented her from giving way to the hysterics which she knew would take her over if she allowed herself to show any weakness .
8 Tony and I had organized a dog sledging trip which we hoped would take us from Dividal in northern Norway through Sweden and into Finland .
9 Well yes , but that , remember we provided for up to two hundred million which we thought would see us through to the end of ninety two .
10 The BEA and the Area Boards reciprocated by , in general , not ‘ padding ’ their capital applications with bogus figures to anticipate cuts , though the BEA did , on occasion , deliberately withhold information which they felt would prejudice their case within the Ministry .
11 Such opposition from his former Anglican and Tory allies persuaded James to try to forge an alliance with the Dissenters , in the hope that the disabilities under which they suffered would give them common cause with the Catholics to support the removal of the penal laws .
12 Thanking everyone for their support and encouragement , Mr. Nicole said they were finding in the parish ‘ a diversity of experience ’ which they knew would help them grow as Christians and as ministers .
13 This was not as easy as they hoped ; they knew that , however much it might disapprove of their activities , the English government certainly had no power to get its orders obeyed on the western side of the Atlantic , but their charter , which they hoped would make them independent of England , and on which they relied for the legal basis of their community , said — like all the other charters — that they must not pass laws that were not consistent with English laws .
14 In a letter to employees George thanked everyone for their understanding and sympathy which he said would help him and his family cope with the terrible tragedy .
15 Following his split with the SWP James and his small band of adherents joined with another small group , the Workers ' Party , and with the aid his close collaborators , Grace Lee and Raya Dunayevskaya , he set about the task of examining the Hegelian dialectic and Marxist doctrine , which he believed would lead him to a fuller understanding of the Soviet Union , and in particular , Stalinism .
16 This is the pencil that his kindergarten teacher possessed ; the pencil that made the blue ticks and the red crosses in the register ; the pencil that he wept for , that his mother went all over town to find , and failed to find , because they were all gone , or not made any more , or kept for teachers , or only imagined ; the pencil which he knew would make him happy , if only he possessed it , for evermore .
17 Calm balmed him : a sense of peace which he knew would encompass him on a return from a devout , loyal , and sensible killing in the future .
18 Dr Dering declined this contemptible compensation , and risked crippling legal costs on a trial which he hoped would win him heavy damages .
19 Nothing you did would surprise me , ’ she returned coldly .
20 She knew that the one thing that her mother would never provide money for was a training in medicine , so she wrote eventually to the Boys ' Own Paper to ask them how to go about it , inventing a letter that was supposed to come from a badly-off boy whom she thought would enlist their sympathy .
21 It was curiously sexual this feeling , exactly the way he had once or twice felt with a girl he was mad to make love to and who he thought would let him but was not quite sure , not absolutely sure .
22 We hoped that the US medical team whom we supposed would attend him at Wiesbaden , as we 'd heard had happened with other American hostages , would recognize that he needed a long rest .
23 Something they said would mean something to him . ’
24 He was dressed in the garb of a typical construct worker , so that anybody he passed would take him for such .
25 He startled Philip with him , so impressed Emlyn Williams with a recitation on a London street in a blackout that Williams could recall it precisely forty years later , and introduced anybody he thought would appreciate it to the dark-vowelled , consonant-cracking language of the man whose most famous work would be Under Milk Wood , whose first performance — on radio and stage — would star Richard Burton .
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