Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] as [pron] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Jeff Richer had choreographed the salacious routine , which began with me oozing down a cat-walk in a long black velvet evening coat and sliding it off my shoulders as I turn to camera revealing the lace gown .
2 The smell of burning plastic stayed in my nose and the bright glare of the burning mixture danced in my eyes as I hurried to the next hole , glancing at my watch as I did so .
3 As the new book , Deformed Roses tells , Freda became involved in teaching mentally handicapped youngsters when she lived in Surrey Streey , Linthorpe , after seeing so-called ‘ ineducables ’ sitting listless and dejected outside their homes as she cycled to and from her teaching job in the town 's St Hilda 's district .
4 Ann thought it unseemly to kiss her husband in public , but she had no such reservations as far as her son was concerned , and hugged him tight , choking on her words as she whispered to him to take care of himself .
5 Jitka turned and put her fingers to her lips as they came to the main bedroom and they tiptoed passed .
6 The words flew hoarsely from her lips as she got to her feet , hands at her mouth .
7 In an attempt to prove they were unaffected by this , they raised their voices as they chatted to each other , and pretended not to glance uneasily at the nearby rectangles of darker , freshly turned earth .
8 A feathery pattern of ice covered the mud of the yard and cracked under their feet as they ran to the privy , and it was n't much warmer indoors .
9 So today , a modern hospital ward for the care of the elderly aims to treat and rehabilitate patients — to get them back on their feet if possible and out of the ward , encouraging them to live their lives as they want to .
10 ‘ They may be unable to live their lives as they want to because of influences from the past .
11 They have as much right to their lives as we have to ours .
12 ‘ I will write a novel about the Empire [ Du Camp reports him saying ] and bring in the evening receptions at Compiègne , with all the ambassadors , marshals and senators rattling their decorations as they bend to the ground to kiss the hand of the Prince Imperial .
13 His dealing with the witnesses now had a different purpose , and he was employed to sift their informations as they related to the alleged treason of Shaftesbury , sitting with Richard Graham , the government solicitor , ‘ ten hours at a time without moving ’ .
14 She reached down and , for a moment , Pete was half expecting some response ; a stag , perhaps , breaking the surface of the lake and climbing out to her , water streaming from its flanks as it came to her hand .
15 So was the ache in her hands as she clung to the wheel .
16 She shut up and her mouth fell into a gape , the sweat appeared in globules on her upper lip , the colour deepened in her face and she seemed to have to force breath into her lungs as she listened to him now saying , ‘ You 'll not tell me any more what I 've got to do and what I have n't got to do .
17 Clearly , parents generally must welcome the news that cuddling is not only nice but necessary ; perhaps , however , we should spare a compassionate thought once more for the intellectual mothers of the thirties , whose sufferings as they tried to be ‘ good ’ mothers are now repeated in the knowledge that all their efforts only led them to be ‘ bad ’ mothers : as one of our correspondents added , ‘ Here is Bowlby , still out to make us feel guilty — about our rejection of the children we loved but were not allowed to love . ’
18 Treasurer Lipsky , the community 's dentist , ground his teeth as he bowed to her adamantine will .
19 Her fingers dug deep into his shoulders as she clung to him , caught up in a maelstrom of sensation , too stunned by the sheer beauty of it all to register more than the most fleeting second of pain .
20 The landing shook beneath his feet as he tottered to the staircase and looked up .
21 A subjective camera , filming through goggles , picks out the inane faces and soundless mouths of his elders as he descends to the bottom of the pool where he stands silently and alone , away from the pestering people above .
22 Continue to remember Pat McDonald in your prayers as she seeks to be obedient to the Lord under such dangerous and difficult circumstances .
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