Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] and he had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She herself had campaigned for women 's rights with the suffragette movement when she was in her teens and he had listened to her tales of the marches and the abuse the women suffered at the hands of many people .
2 Jesus had been , with his disciples and he had spent the whole day in teaching and preaching to the people , he 'd been explaining to them what the kingdom of God was like , he 'd been telling them some of the parables that perhaps we 're familiar with , he 'd been telling them about the parable of the sewer and the seed , the man who went out and he sewed his seed and different things went wrong birds came and picked up the stuff that fell by the wayside , some fell on stony ground and it could n't put down any roots , some fell amongst thorns and they were quickly choked , but some did fall in good prepared soil and that grew .
3 In an instant she was in his arms and he had kissed her , one short , hard kiss , and had pushed her from him , saying , ‘ Go on .
4 The next moment she was in his arms and he had kicked the door shut behind him .
5 His equanimity was legendary amongst his colleagues and he had gone out of his way to make her feel a part of the team when she first arrived at UNACO .
6 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
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