Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] with a [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 A vertical puddle , I stood in the lobby , wiped the steam from my glasses with a corner of shirt-tail and realized with a touch of horror , as I hooked my glasses back around my ears , that this was much too grand a place for me .
2 Halfway through my wash , I happened to glance up an notice one particularly well-hung lad studying my privates with a look of some amusement .
3 This involves combined action by hospital providers , who have fulfilled their contracts with a quarter of the year remaining , and general practitioners , who as a consequence are unable to obtain hospital treatment for their patients , to put pressure on health authorities to increase the resources available to acute services .
4 He even behaved to my mother , his exact contemporary , as though she were much older than he , deferring to her opinions with an air of youthful naivete .
5 What is more , many naturally-occurring chemicals are highly toxic : the natural foods we eat are stiff with potentially damaging chemicals — plants , in particular , spike their products with an armoury of defensive substances ( see p 15 ) , fungi on the plants contribute their own toxins , and the bacteria in our gut add to the number we absorb .
6 Overall , I would thoroughly recommend our itinerary to other pilots of light aircraft — particularly if they want to broaden their horizons with a change of scenery and culture as well as flying conditions different to those in most of the UK or France .
7 Three species , the satin , spotted and regent bowerbirds , also ‘ paint ’ their bowers with a mixture of charcoal , fruit and mud .
8 She heard the echo of her words with a sense of incredulity .
9 Combines clear , elegant analysis of individual buildings and their designers with an overview of the culture and preoccupations of the age in which they were produced .
10 Tate Bramald supplies its clients with a variety of the leading packages , but Mr Tate finds that the UK packages are all too often weak on the currency side .
11 About half the audience fell to their knees with a clatter of upturned benches .
12 He dismissed her thanks with a wave of the hand .
13 To their credit , they 've all but ditched RDF 's cringeworthy word polemics , giving a greater role to singer Linda Goodman and infusing almost all their songs with a wealth of nightmarish samples .
14 His mouth was hard and hot , burning her lips with an intensity of desire that brought an involuntary response .
15 She smacked her lips with an air of finality and rummaged for her pipe .
16 ‘ Are the teachers strict here ? ’ asked Sybil , wiping her eyes with a corner of her voluminous cloak .
17 ‘ That 's what I thought , ’ Dana said , mopping her eyes with a corner of the towel .
18 Her motives unclear , even to herself , she 'd taken enormous trouble with her face after her bath , disguising the bruise with a cover-up stick , accenting her eyes with a hint of shadow .
19 One of these is to support their schools with a range of expert services .
20 Although both dogs had grown quiet and drowsy in the stuffy room , they immediately struggled to their feet with a rattle of chains and a whined greeting .
21 Coming as they did in organised groups around strong personal leaders , the Saxons tended to name their settlements with a combination of local place features and , more importantly , a worthy 's name .
22 She ruled their lives with a rod of iron , would not let TV be on after 10 p.m. , cancelled the daily papers , and insisted that her daughter continue to share her bedroom , while he slept alone in the spare room .
23 After the war , Rothesay saw a revival of its fortunes with a contingent of naval ships based in the harbour , depot ships and submarine crews to augment the trippers and holiday makers who returned to their old haunts after six years of weary conflict .
24 Many experienced speakers mar their conversations as well as their orations with a profusion of ums and ers which distract attention .
25 She had to comply and soon afterwards he was crowned : as the crown was placed on his head his retainers , to a man , drew their swords with a rasp of steel and brandished them in the air .
26 You do n't want to miss it , ’ sniffs Molly , dabbing at her cheeks with a scrap of peach-coloured lace …
27 Refreshed , I said hi to a few filmstars , briefly joining them at their tables with a selection of apposite one-liners .
28 But children grow up and as they reach twenty years of age , the rights and concerns which have provided them with an education , and their families with a range of supports , begin to fall away .
29 Only the grinding of her teeth alerted her prey , though other reports said Black Annis gave away her whereabouts with a trail of bones .
30 The old chorus of ‘ Dalglish , Dalglish ’ reverberated around the ground , which was bursting at its seams with a crowd of 43,668 .
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