Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] to be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 So , as I have recounted already , there came into being The Perfect Murder , which turned out to be the first of my books to be published in America .
2 Aware of a faint feeling of reluctance , Rory took his hand , half expecting her fingers to be crushed in a vicelike grip .
3 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
4 The second advantage is that such promotions enable the name of your organisation or its brands to be included in the copy , which can be very important in publications which would not normally use such names .
5 Hence the Council expects a significant proportion of staff involved in teaching of courses leading to its awards to be engaged in research ; moreover , colleges are expected to provide a high standard of specialized accommodation , library provision , academic , technical and administrative staff and good working conditions generally .
6 Bush also announced that he was ordering the immediate lifting of the alert status of all strategic bombers and had directed their weapons to be put in storage .
7 Originally this was a track which followed a ridge of higher ground and later became a main route for Welsh drovers taking their cattle to be fattened in Northampton before going on to market in London .
8 But when in one class he had taken the register and pronounced their names correctly , there had been some laughter from non-Indian children ( who were a minority in the class ) but floods of embarrassed giggles from Asian children , who seemed to prefer their names to be mispronounced in school .
9 During my researches for material to complete this book I have found that railwaymen in particular have been reluctant to allow their names to be used in a story , and have sometimes insisted that even the name of the location be changed ; perhaps they fear leg pulling from their workmates !
10 She says it is only because she knows when it 's not in her stars to be killed in a ditch .
11 Equally , the fact that in the case of machine-readable files technological advances reduces the need for archival records and their users to be located in physical proximity to one another , the possibility to link and integrate electronic cold-stores removed from the archive per se may result in significant economies of scale ( Morris 1992 ) .
12 But when parliament woke up to the electronic age and first allowed its proceedings to be broadcast in 1978 , nobody was sure whether those broadcasts were also privileged .
13 They spoke , wrote and thought in German , often sent their children to be educated in the old country , joined and sponsored German associations .
14 We believe that people should have the choice and the choice and the rights that most people want is for their children to be educated in schools without water dripping down the walls , where the ceiling does n't fall in , that does n't rely on temporary classes .
15 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
16 The company had to give up the surplus stock it had accumulated at the expense of the public creditors and rescind its claims to be paid in full for the amount it had sold , but the real victims were the public creditors , who had to reconcile themselves to drastic losses in income and capital .
17 Were there bargains to be struck in North Africa ?
18 He will venture to suggest , with the greatest possible respect to Mr. Justice Blank , that his lordship perhaps did not intend his words to be understood in their widest acceptation .
19 • Try to arrange for your activities to be concentrated in the first part of the day and for relaxation to come later .
20 Our research , and unbiased professional advice , has shown that it would undoubtedly be in the interest of ALL our teachers to be included in this comprehensive ‘ blanket cover ’ , whether teaching regular private or Adult Education classes , ‘ one-off ’ local events , rallies , or classes for other organisations .
21 Parents want the debate on the future of education of our children to be held in public with all interested parties making a contribution , not ashamedly and secretly in smoke-filled hotel rooms .
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