Example sentences of "[pron] [noun pl] to [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So , as I have recounted already , there came into being The Perfect Murder , which turned out to be the first of my books to be published in America .
2 They set broad direction while allowing their views to be influenced by the experience so gained .
3 The panel of 175 distinguished authors , scholars , broadcasters and public figures regards correct usage as no longer worth fighting for and trivial , according to a poll of its views to be published on January 8 .
4 In 1914 , a member wrote in the suggestion book that the Professional 's shop be left open until after the 6.25 train to Paddington has left , and added that two visitors who had played and left their clubs to be cleaned by the caddies found the Professional 's shop closed when they went to collect them .
5 Aware of a faint feeling of reluctance , Rory took his hand , half expecting her fingers to be crushed in a vicelike grip .
6 The OR then calls a meeting of creditors to decide whether they will make the debtor bankrupt or let him off by accepting an arrangement for less than 100 per cent of their debts to be paid in full and final settlement .
7 Legislation is going through to allow their pictures to be used as evidence .
8 The words had sailed over their heads to be lost among the hammer-beams .
9 Also — a card was signed and sent with flowers to greet Janice Glen on her birthday and Janice later telephoned the Office to ask for her thanks to be given to you all .
10 Also — a card was signed and sent with flowers to greet Janice Glen on her birthday and Janice later telephoned the Office to ask for her thanks to be given to you all .
11 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
12 Any existing members who believe they qualify for this new rating category from the 1st May next should contact the Autocover staff at Frank Glennon Limited who will arrange for their premiums to be adjusted from their next renewal date .
13 Older women may hesitate to join in with the young , feeling that they may have to ape their manners to be accepted by them .
14 At this stage , we have an opportunity to ensure that the legislation will allow their voices to be heard through formal channels so that they do not have to resort to the usual practice of writing to the appropriate organisations .
15 Gothic architecture , he insisted , ‘ is English CHURCH ARCHITECTURE ’ and , by implication , if Nonconformists wanted their denominations to be considered as part of the Christian Church in England then their buildings must be Gothic .
16 The section gives wide powers for the Council to arrange for its functions to be discharged by committees , sub-committees and individuals [ whether members of the Law Society staff or not ] .
17 The second advantage is that such promotions enable the name of your organisation or its brands to be included in the copy , which can be very important in publications which would not normally use such names .
18 The monks of the Middle Ages used to practise ‘ divine reading ’ , which meant that they expected their lives to be transformed as a result of what they read .
19 Hence the Council expects a significant proportion of staff involved in teaching of courses leading to its awards to be engaged in research ; moreover , colleges are expected to provide a high standard of specialized accommodation , library provision , academic , technical and administrative staff and good working conditions generally .
20 Bush also announced that he was ordering the immediate lifting of the alert status of all strategic bombers and had directed their weapons to be put in storage .
21 Can I close by saying that every time Christians share the Lord 's supper they are publicly declaring their needs to be fed with the living bread and wine .
22 Sotheby 's yesterday opened the doors of Headington Hill Hall , the Maxwell family 's Oxford home since 1959 , for a viewing of its contents to be sold at auction in January .
23 Originally this was a track which followed a ridge of higher ground and later became a main route for Welsh drovers taking their cattle to be fattened in Northampton before going on to market in London .
24 Nor would rank and file trade unionists give up their rights to be ballotted on strike action and the appointment of officials , Mr Hammond said .
25 Interviewees reported that a few service users had refused to allow their names to be placed on a mental health database .
26 But when in one class he had taken the register and pronounced their names correctly , there had been some laughter from non-Indian children ( who were a minority in the class ) but floods of embarrassed giggles from Asian children , who seemed to prefer their names to be mispronounced in school .
27 During my researches for material to complete this book I have found that railwaymen in particular have been reluctant to allow their names to be used in a story , and have sometimes insisted that even the name of the location be changed ; perhaps they fear leg pulling from their workmates !
28 Sotheby 's in Ireland present an Oriental — Islamic advisory day , along the lines of an Antique Roadshow , where members of the public are invited to bring along their items to be valued by the Sotheby experts .
29 Many royalists had gone into exile in the colonies , especially Virginia , and the new government could not expect its orders to be obeyed on the other side of the Atlantic .
30 ‘ Never , though he did say his local picture house was the Pavilion and I know his mother took her loaves to be baked at a place called Jimmy McFadden 's bakery , but they 're not in the phone book , either of them .
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